Dear Colleagues,

For those of you who have a Boy Scout group meeting in your building, this message is for you (others please feel free to delete it). I have received the following information from the UCC General Counsel regarding the Boy Scouts. There is a document attached as well. Please note the document is from the ELCA, but the information applies to the UCC also. If you have any issues or questions you will need to contact an attorney directly since the UCC General Counsel is not involved with this situation.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Here is the text of the message from Heather Kimmel:
As you may be aware, the Boy Scouts of America have filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy largely due to the number of sexual molestation claims they are facing. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Office of General Counsel, in consultation with the legal offices of Formula of Agreement partners including the UCC, have prepared the attached document which is suitable for distribution to our Local Churches. It contains information about the proof of claim process, should Local Churches who had or have a charter with the BSA want to protect any claim that they may have against BSA. While the proof of claim process is not difficult, Local Churches may want to consult an attorney for assistance. In line with FAQ #5, United Church of Christ Local Churches are not represented by the Office of General Counsel or by Conference Attorneys in this matter.
Rev. Dr. Carrie Call
Conference Minister
Penn Central Conference
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