Building on a Solid Foundation

Last month, we informed in our e-news that our board of directors, with community guidance, has decided to take the GIFTS foundation to the next level to continue developing our mission and vision. We recognized the significance of upholding the values upon which this ministry has been built and the need for our mission to expand. This growth will enable us to hold ourselves and our guests accountable with a defined mission that falls into reportable pillars.

We are excited to unveil our updated mission statement:

 GIFTS relies on the teachings of Christ and, in partnership with the community, provides resources to bring hope and transformation to the lives of

unsheltered men in Rock County.

GIFTS updated vision:

Guided by Christ's teachings and the help of the community,

GIFTS aspires to eradicate homelessness in Rock County.

Moving forward, we will be concentrating on Christ, Community, and Collaboration. Our GIFTS team affectionately calls these the Three C's. Follow us here and on social media to see how we develop these in the upcoming year.


Words seem inadequate to tell you what is in our hearts! The GIFTS guests and team are in awe of how you supported the shelter over the holidays. Each smile, prayer, meal, cookie, volunteer time, and donation means the world to us.

We appreciate you!

GIFTS Men's Shelter is at the capacity level of 30 guests.

If you can help us with any of the items below,

we would deeply appreciate your support!

Do you love to cook?

We are building a team of people who love to cook! If you can help fill in with an occasional meal at the shelter, click here to see our open dates and sign up right online.

For questions about being a meal maker or more volunteer opportunities, email Joe by clicking here.

Life Recovery Coach

Mentor GIFTS guests and help them recover a sustaining and thriving life! Click here and email Michael, GIFTS Program Director for more information.

Do you have a passion for style?

  • We need volunteers with an eye for fashion to help sort and price:






Do you love to create beautiful spaces?

  • Let your inner interior designer loose and help us with sorting and pricing home goods!

Do you find joy in social interaction?

  • Greet our donors and help them unload the treasures they bring to our store. Be part of the vital intake/donations team!

Apply here and we will be in touch to talk about what interests you!

THANK YOU to all of our donors and volunteers for your impact on GIFTS Men Shelter!