Jewish Community Foundation San Diego

Dear Friends,

Rosh Hashana—the Jewish New Year—which begins next week, is a time of reflection. As a community and as individuals we look to fresh starts and new beginnings. This year, I, too, will be seeking a new adventure. I am writing to let you know that when my current contract ends in June 2024, I will complete my tenure at the Jewish Community Foundation (JCF) with great pride and appreciation for my time spent at this highly regarded, and impactful organization.

Beth Sirull

Beth Sirull

I am firmly committed to finishing well, a commitment that stems from our Jewish tradition—and particularly from this week’s Torah portion. In Vayelech, G-d informs Moses that his life is nearly over and that he will not be allowed to enter the Promised Land. At the same time, G-d instructs Moses to prepare the Israelites for new leadership. In what must have been very trying circumstances, Moses does as G-d requests and ensures that the baton of leadership passes smoothly before he dies.

The first step to ensuring a seamless leadership transition is to pick the right time—for the organization and for me. Now is that time. JCF is stronger than it has ever been. Our assets have more than doubled over the past 6.5 years and are approaching $800 million. During this time, we granted over $600 million into the community and expect to grant our two-billionth dollar this year. Our team is top-notch and together we have successfully enriched our donor engagement and education, improved our operational efficiencies, and enhanced our reputation in the community.

Personally, I recently celebrated a "big" birthday, my husband and I marked our 30th anniversary, and our son graduated from college. These meaningful life moments have given me time and a reason to reflect and consider my future. With JCF in such a solid position, and having reached these life benchmarks, now is the right time for me to think about a "new adventure".

I will dedicate myself in the coming months to ensuring a smooth leadership transition here at JCF. Graeme Gabriel, JCF Board Chair, and Tina Beranbaum, Chair-Elect, will be leading the transition effort, with the full support of the entire JCF Board of Directors. Please scroll down and read a note from Graeme and Tina below.

I look forward to seeing many of you in the weeks and months ahead. And I wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Shana Tova!


Beth Sirull

Beth Sirull

President and Chief Executive Officer

Miriam and Jerome Katzin Presidential Chair

Jewish Community Foundation
Graeme Gabriel

Graeme Gabriel

Tina Beranbaum

Tina Beranbaum

When Beth informed us of her decision to complete her term as CEO of the Jewish Community Foundation (JCF) at the end of her current contract, her decision filled us with mixed emotions. We are grateful for Beth’s service and significant contributions to JCF, but are sad that she has chosen to complete her tenure at the organization.

Under Beth’s leadership, the organization thrived and reached new heights. As we approach this leadership transition at JCF, we are mindful that the organization is in a very healthy position with a strong and stable leadership team, dynamic staff, financial security and is highly regarded by both the Jewish and secular communities in San Diego and beyond.

In keeping with Beth’s steadfast approach to put JCF first, she has communicated her decision to us early, allowing ample time for a smooth transition when her contract ends in June 2024.

The first step in this process will take place in the coming days when JCF’s Board of Directors will convene to design an inclusive, transparent, and thoughtful transition. The goal will be to design a process that fully assesses JCF and its leadership needs in order to select a new Chief Executive Officer who is set up for success with the full support of the organization and the community.

As part of our commitment to a transparent and inclusive transition, we intend to keep the JCF community updated along the way and solicit input from many of its members. As you consider JCF’s needs going forward, we welcome your input and ask that you please share your thoughts by emailing If you would like to speak with one of us directly, please send us an email and we will arrange a time to connect.

We look forward to engaging with you as we plan for the next chapter at the Jewish Community Foundation while also taking the opportunity to celebrate Beth and her many contributions during her tenure.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year. Shana Tova!


Graeme Gabriel

Graeme Gabriel

Board Chair

Tina Beranbaum

Tina Beranbaum

Board Chair-Elect