Upcoming Committee Hearing

January 30th thru

February 3rd

Click on each title, bill, or picture to get the full NFFV Alert for each priority bill

Parental Involvement in their

Child's Education

LB71 & LB374 both support parental involvement in their child's education. Both bills are assigned to the Education Committee with hearings scheduled for January 31, 2023.

For detailed NFFV information and action on these bills follow us here.

Protecting the Unborn

LB626 provide protection of the unborn. Known as the Heartbeat Act it would prohibit abortions once a heartbeat is detected. The bill is assigned to the Judiciary Committee with a hearing scheduled for February 1, 2023.

For detailed NFFV information and action on this bill follow us here.

The Home Invasion

LB115 would give the state unbridled access to enter your home. The bill is assigned to the Health and Human Services Committee with hearings scheduled for February 2, 2023.

For detailed NFFV information and action on this bill follow us here.

Board of Directors Team