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Time to Pause

Dear friends and members of Impact100 Chicago,

It is with heavy hearts we announce Impact100 Chicago is taking a pause and will not have a grant cycle this year. This was a difficult decision to make and was not taken lightly, but no one came forward to fill any of the 5 open positions after our request for assistance in July. With so many positions open, it is difficult to maintain the Impact 100 model as we've known it.

Three of our current board members have agreed to oversee operations for the coming year, pending a final decision about our future. At this point, we believe that outcome will be to cease operations.

The current board decided to pay out the remaining funds due to last year’s Impact Grant recipient as well as pay out this year’s recipient in full, after an agreement is signed. The remaining board will monitor the progress of their projects to ensure the integrity of each project remains.

Thank you all for 13 years of philanthropic donations to the Chicagoland area. During this time, you, our members, have granted $3,465,000. We have seen so many organizations benefit from these contributions and we all should be proud of that accomplishment.

Should you have comments, please reach out to Deb Gammon at or Reena Saluja at

The Impact100 Chicago 2022-2023 Board of Directors

Impact 100 Chicago

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