October 2020
A Message from our President
Dear Members,

Looking back on 2020, what will you remember most? Will it be the scarcity of cleaning products, the isolation, the fear of getting sick or losing a loved one to a disease we didn't understand? These were very real concerns for all of us, perhaps for the first time. Now imagine your life always looked and felt like 2020.

As Impact100MD members, we have an incredible opportunity to connect with the community and close the gap on needs like these that individuals experience every day - perhaps even more so in 2020 and beyond. This year the Board set an aspirational goal of 300 members, which will allow us to give three $100,000 grants. We are about half way there, with128 paid members, and 29 pledged and completing payment. Help us close this gap.

  • Renew: If you haven’t already renewed your membership, now is the time!
  • Reconnect: Invite a friend, colleague, stranger.  
  • Rejoice: If you have already renewed and you have the ability to give more, consider donating to cover the membership of a young philanthropist. You can choose someone, or we can help find a grateful recipient.
  • Request: If personal circumstances prevent you from renewing your membership, we have limited funding available to help. Complete the application to renew your membership, choose "pay later" and request support. 

How will we be changed by 2020 and the global pandemic? Recognizing my blessings, I will aspire to remember the good - life's simple gifts and the confidence that Impact100 Metro Detroit will continue to change lives. I hope to remain humbled that, for a season, I saw life through a different lens.

Sharpening Our Focus
Following each grant cycle we evaluate opportunities for improvement. This year, we thought it was time to evolve our Focus Area definitions to achieve a more even distribution of grant applications across each Focus Area. After a detailed analysis of potential options, we are pleased to announce that we are making the following key changes:

  • Human Services will be split into two focus areas: Family & Individual Support and Health & Wellness
  • Urban Revitalization and Environment will be merged into a single Focus Area
Here are the new Focus Areas for the 2021 Grant Cycle. 
YOU make a difference! WE make a difference! When we all join together, our collective membership in Impact100 Metro Detroit brings transformational change in our community.

Our goal is to award THREE high impact grants of $100,000.00 each in 2021. Reaching that goal means that we will have 300 women working together to have a positive impact here in Metro Detroit, where we live, work, and play.
Will you make the commitment today to be a part of our collective giving sisterhood in 2021? If you are ready to pledge YES to another year of fueling transformation together, please let us know. Go to our website and pledge today! Click on the link below.