January, 2017
President's Message
Donna Broderick
"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together."   Vesta M. Kelly
Happy New Year from Impact 100!!!!
As we begin 2017, I'd like to wish all our members, nonprofit partners, sponsors and friends a Happy and Blessed New Year!  I would also like to welcome our newest members who may be receiving this newsletter for the first time.
As we reflect back on what a wonderful year 2016 was for Impact 100 we know we could not have made it happen without our members who, like the snowflakes in the quote above, did amazing things by sticking together! THANK YOU!
We began last year reviewing over 75 Letters of Intent from our nonprofit partners which helped us learn more about the needs of our community and in September we celebrated our 15th Anniversary by awarding four grants of $101,500 each to St. Francis Seraph and Center for Respite Care, Cincinnati Therapeutic Riding and Horsemanship, Women's Crisis Center and Greater Cincinnati Construction Fund.  This brings the total to 33 grants awarded to the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky community - over $3.6 Million - and the total lives touched since our founding in 2001 to over 175,000!! What a cause for celebration!
Another highlight of 2016 was the involvement of so many of our members . . . over 160 members volunteered their time and talents to further our mission! Whether serving on a Focus Area Committee, CIRC, in our Membership/Recruiting team, or in numerous other areas - all are appreciated.  Our hard-working Board continued to follow our strategic plan working tirelessly to recruit and educate new members, to strengthen our relationship with our nonprofit partners and to reinforce our organization including updating our use of technology. Impact 100 also continued to strengthen the Young Philanthropist Program, which is now in its third year. Impact 100 has come a long way in 15 years!
We look forward to another exciting year ahead in 2017. We are in the final stages of processing our 2017 members and hope to continue awarding numerous grants!
Please join us on January 19th for our Membership Announcement Event .  We invite ALL our members to come to this event to learn how much money we will be awarding in 2017. If you are interested in attending, please register HERE .
Sign up NOW to join a Focus Area Committee These Committees determine which nonprofit applicants will move forward with the Impact 100 grant review process.
There are t wo opportunities to get involved in this process as an Impact 100 member:
  • Focus Area committees will begin meeting in late January to review nonprofit Letters of Intent requesting funding from Impact 100. This is the initial stage of review of applicants.
  •  Impact Members will be invited to join a committee again in early April for the review of full grant requests, to make site visits to strongest grant applicants, and determine finalists.
Finally, please join me in extending a special thank you to the eight board members who have so generously given of their time the last few years: Susan Cranley, Marilyn Kinne, Teresa Loje, Kelly Mahan, Becki Meyer, Daniela Neukam, Angie Otis, and Delane Starliper. Collectively they have served on the board for 40 years! Your passion and experience will be missed on the board and we will miss you personally. Please warmly welcome the new members of the Impact 100 Board. Joining the Board are Teresa Benson, Caroline Bieser, Cindy Cosway, Christine Dauenhauer, Sarah Grace Mohr, Rose Palmieri, Kathy Thornton, and Kristen Wevers. These women bring new ideas, passion and a breadth of experience to the Board as they join the 12 returning members.
The 2017 Impact 100 Board Members are:
  • Donna Broderick, President
  • Clare Zlatic Blankemeyer, Vice President, Nonprofit Coordinator
  • Yvonne Thomas, Secretary
  • Cindy Cosway, Treasurer
  • Rose Palmieri, Grant Review Coordinator
  • Jenny Berg, Recruiting Chair
  • Christine Dauenhauer, Recruiting Co-Chair
  • Sharon Mitchell, Membership Chair/Past President
  • Kim Carroll, Membership Co-Chair
  • Sarah Grace Mohr, Membership Key Events Chair
  • Mary Beth Young, Communications Chair
  • Julie Metzger, Communications/Website Chair
  • Kristen Wevers, Marketing/PR Chair
  • Sarah Buckley, Nonprofit Outreach Coordinator
  • Teresa Benson, CIRC Chair
  • Caroline Bieser, Grant Focus Area Chair
  • Rhiannon Hoeweler, Grant Focus Area Chair
  • Clare O'Brien, Grant Focus Area Chair
  • Kathy Thornton, Grant Focus Area Chair
  • Stephanie Tunison, Grant Focus Area Chair
Please join me in thanking the 2017 Board in advance for all their hard work. I know you will enjoy working with all of them. 
I am honored and humbled to serve as President again in 2017. I welcome your input and look forward to seeing all of you at upcoming Impact 100 events in 2017.

All the best,
Donna Neyer Broderick
Impact 100 President 

2017 Membership Announcement
Join us on January 19th at the Backstage Event Center to celebrate the start of a new year of giving! Impact 100 members and guests are invited to attend this wonderful celebration in which we will unveil the total amount of membership grant funds for 2017. Come meet new members, mingle with current Impact 100 members, and learn how much of an Impact we will be making on the community this year! 

For more information and to register, click HERE.

Get Involved with Impact 100 for 2017!
We'd love to have you join a committee or volunteer- - - if you'd like to! 
We have both standing (year-round) and seasonal committees - so join us and chooseone that best meets your schedule and matches your interests. We have a variety of committees to choose from including Marketing, Membership & Recruiting, Event Planning, Focus Area Committees (FAC), and CIRC (Financial Review). We also need volunteers for 'one and done' tasks and help at events. 

Our 2017 work has just begun:  Letters of Intent (LOI) have been submitted by our local Nonprofits, and the Membership & Recruiting Committee is hard at work finalizing our 2017 Membership dollars.  

If you are interested in joining a committee or volunteering - we'd love to have you!   You are welcome to sign up for any or all committees, help with a "One and Done" or volunteer in a specific area of expertise. The Impact 100 website is ready to record your preference for committee or volunteer participation  HERE.

Do you have any questions about Impact 100?  
Contact membership@impact100.org,  your Liaison, anyone on the Board, or our office info@impact100.org and we'll get you the answer! 
THANK YOU for helping us transform lives! 

Impact in Action: Get Involved!
Dear Impact 100,

We at Women's Crisis Center were so humbled and honored to have been selected as one  of the 2016 Impact 100 recipients. As a way of extending our gratitude, we want to offer our Green Dot bystander trainings specifically for the Impact 100 members. Please join us for one of the two trainings offered to gain an inside look at the Green Dot violence prevention strategy, the program we implement in high schools, and learn some of the tenets and philosophies that make Green Dot successful. Please visit 
greendotgcky.org/impact100  to register.  Spaces are limited, so act fast!

Feb 8th, 2017   4:00pm - 8:00pm
March 11th, 2017   9:00am - 1:00pm
Women's Crisis Center
3580 Hargrave Dr.
Hebron, KY 41048

A meal will be provided at each training, as well as tee shirts and prizes for all attendees.

Your partners at Women's Crisis Center

A green dot is a small choice to use your words, actions, or behaviors to
stop violence from happening.

What's your green dot?

Impact 100 Endowment Fund
Did you know that Impact 100 has an Endowment Fund?

Our endowment fund helps offset some of our operating costs.
Please consider making a donation to the fund as a birthday gift or in honor or memory of someone.  All donations are tax deductible.

You can donate online HERE  or send a check to Impact 100, 4010 Executive Park Drive, Suite 100, Cincinnati, OH 45241

Impact 100 Global Conference Summary
Dear fellow Impact 100 members:

In October of 2016, I was proud to represent Impact 100 Cincinnati at the Impact 100 Global Conference in sunny Delray Beach, Florida.  What an opportunity!  While Cincinnati was the first Impact 100 chapter, 40+ chapters (and growing!) have since formed around the world.  At the conference, the launch of the Impact 100 Global Council was unveiled.  Conference sessions ranged from optimizing the grant review process to discussing membership recruitment and retention strategies with Impact 100's of similar size.  There was much to share from our tri-state region, but also so much to learn.  If interested in a brief snapshot of
some conference take-aways shared with the board of directors in November of 2017,  please take a look!

Clare Zlatic Blankemeyer
Nonprofit Coordinator | Vice President

WCGN National Leadership Conference
Women-Powered Philanthropy

As a member of Impact100 Cincinnati, you are part of a strong and growing Women's Collective Giving Network (WCGN), a consortium of women's giving organizations around the country representing 13,000 women who are members of over 48 collective giving organizations who awarded approximately $90 million in grants this year. Our own Jenny Berg is on the board of directors as the WCGN Vice Chair.

WCGN is a virtual network offering regular educational webinars monthly from September through May. WCGN also understands that women hunger to meet, work, talk, and network with other like-minded women in person. With that in mind, every 18 months WCGN convenes an exciting educational conference and celebration of women's collective giving grantmaking hosted by a member organization in its own hometown. Beyond providing plenty of opportunities for face-to-face networking, our Collective Giving Leadership Forums feature inspirational speakers in the field of philanthropy, educational workshops, and panel discussions covering front-and-center issues in collective giving. Speakers include outside experts and our own members.

The next conference is this March 12-14, 2017 hosted by the Women's Giving Alliance of Jacksonville, Florida at One Ocean Resort in Atlantic Beach, FL. More info and registration can be found HERE.

Member Spotlight! 
Julie Vehorn  

Who am I?
I am the Director of Academics at Roger Bacon High School where I have been a teacher since 2002.  I enjoy incorporating service learning in my classroom and am the faculty adviser of Roger Bacon's SVdP Conference.  My husband Jeff and I have two children, ages 11 and 8.

What got you involved in Impact 100?
I first learned about Impact 100 when I began implementing Magnified Giving, a youth philanthropy program, in my high school English classroom eight years ago.  Members from Impact 100 have been generous in sharing their process and expertise with the students.  I have seen the transformation that students undergo when they become philanthropists - they become more confident, they invest themselves in this process, and they realize that the world is actually a pretty good place.  I knew I wanted to be part of that excitement myself.

What keeps you a member?
This is my second year as a member, and 2016 was the first time I was able to attend the Award Ceremony.  It is humbling to be a small part of something that makes such a huge impact.

Kroger Rewards   Help Fund Our Young Philanthropist Program
Want an easy way to help Impact 100? Sign up with Kroger Community Rewards® today!  Simply register your Kroger rewards Card online at  www.kroger.com/communityrewards , se arc h for number 87767 or Impact 100 and enroll... then, all you ha ve to do is shop at Kroger, swipe your Plus Card and  Impact 100 Cincinnati  will automatically start earning a rebate. It is that easy!

This does NOT affect your gas points in anyway. 
Calendar of Events - Save These Dates!
Mark Your Calendars for the Following Upcoming Events:

January 19, 2017

Jan. 22-27

Focus Area Committee Orientations
Jan. 29 - Feb. 17
Focus Area Committees review LOI's
February 23, 2017
New Member Welcome & Member Cooking Event, look for more info to come
March 21, 2017
Educational Event

Let's Get Social!



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Contact Us

Impact 100

4010 Executive Park Drive, Suite 100

Cincinnati, Ohio 45241

Phone: 513-554-3065

Fax: 513-563-9743

Email:  info@impact100.org

Website:  impact100.org