A publication of the Immunization Action Coalition of WA (IACW) and WithinReach

May 2022

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Hello {First Name},

May is Hepatitis Awareness Month in the United States! This month, we're working to shed light on the impact of this hidden epidemic by raising awareness of viral hepatitis while encouraging testing and vaccination. Hepatitis Awareness Month activities help to improve everyone’s understanding of viral hepatitis transmission and to decrease social stigma.

Additionally, as of April 1, the CDC updated their recommendations to advise universal hepatitis B vaccines for adults ages 19 to 59. Now is the perfect time to promote the importance of getting this vaccination to patients, family members or fellow community members who might be missing it.

Stay safe, healthy and protect your community!


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Hepatitis Vaccination Resources and Tools

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Hepatitis Awareness Month Toolkit

Looking for social media content to share for Hepatitis Awareness Month and National Hepatitis Testing Day? CDC’s 2022 toolkit features shareable graphics and social media messages to help you raise awareness about viral hepatitis. Access the toolkit here.

Key Messages:

  • Promote hepatitis C testing and vaccination
  • Share the ABCs of viral hepatitis to help others learn facts about the three most common types of viral hepatitis

Webinars and Learning Opportunities

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On Demand: Hepatitis B Online

Access University of Washington’s up-to-date trainings for healthcare providers to learn about hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Earn free CEs while learning about indications for HBV vaccine, dosing schedules and administration of vaccines, and management of vaccine non-responders.

Access trainings here

What's Up Doc: Maintaining Immunization Rates in a Short-Staffed Clinic

May 6, 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm (PST)

Learn how different clinics across Washington state keep their routine immunization rates up despite low staffing and other pandemic challenges.

Panelists from:

  • Lummi Tribal Health Center
  • Virginia Mason Franciscan University Village
  • Allegro Pediatrics

Register here

What's Up Doc: Navigating Polarizing Vaccine Conversations

May 13, 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm (PST)

Join Gretchen LaSalle, MD FAAFP for the third and final provider education What's Up Doc webinar of 2022. Objectives for this session include: identifying factors unique to the COVID-19 pandemic that have affected vaccine confidence, learning proven approaches to the vaccine discussion and how these may differ in the discussion of COVID vaccines, and reviewing COVID vaccine concerns and ways to address them.

Register here


What Happened to the Plans? Lessons Observed from COVID-19

May 17, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (ET)

May 18, 9:00 am - 3:40 pm (ET)

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Disasters and Emergencies is hosting a workshop exploring the nation’s Public Health Emergency (PHE) preparedness enterprise, through the lens of COVID-19 in the U.S. The workshop will explore key components, success stories and failure points throughout the entire PHE preparedness and response enterprise.

Register here


Childhood Vaccination Rates Slipped During Pandemic

Many kindergartners fell behind on their childhood vaccinations during the pandemic, U.S. health officials warned.

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Study Examines COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Uptake in Autism Community

This study found early COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy waned over time and a majority of caregivers and dependents received the vaccine following FDA approval.

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Pandemic propels global effort to study rare vaccine side effects

Scientists in more than 20 countries, on every continent save Antarctica, have started to gather data for the largest ever vaccine safety project. 

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Free E-Courses
Check out our free immunization e-courses on our Immunity Community website! These courses can be started and completed at any time. Courses are available for professionals who work in the immunization field.

Contact us: ic@withinreachwa.org
Making the connections Washington families need to be healthy and safe. Promoting, protecting & supporting immunization as a vital part of the health and development of children and families.
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Founded in 1994, the Immunization Action Coalition of Washington (IACW), a program of WithinReach, works to improve the health of the community by minimizing the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases through the optimal use of immunizations across the lifespan.
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