There has been a lot in the news lately about delays in processing of visas. A look on the INZ website shows estimated processing times of several months for many types of visas.
This, however, is not the whole story. in the last year Immigration has rolled out a system for dividing applications into 2 streams:
- "Low Touch" - these are cases which can be turned around quickly and with minimal effort at their end, so they are prioritised;
- "High Touch" - which have characteristics that indicate that they are more difficult. This could include the nationality of the applicant, the standard of their evidence, or problems with health or character.
A key feature of Low Touch applications is that they are "decision ready". That is, all the information which INZ needs in order to approve them is right there in front of them.
Obviously, you want to be in that faster queue. This is where we come in. Our experience in the last few months is that we are getting standard cases decided in weeks - even days - rather than months. We have a pretty good idea what a visa officer wants to see, and we make our clients give it to us. This is where we can add real value.
If you know of someone who needs help finding their way through the visa process, get them to talk to us.