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Back to School - September 2, 2022

Imagining a year of partnerships!

White woman with wavy brown hair blue earrings and an orange shirt

Cambria Russell

Project Director


As we enter into a new school year, let’s imagine what authentic family engagement can be. Educators, what would your relationship with your students’ families look like in the best case? Families, what conditions would make you feel like a partner with your child’s school? What would healthy, equitable relationships between schools and families look like? 

In our recent APPLE (Advancing Parent-Professional Leadership) sessions with school districts, families and educators imagined future family and community engagement in these ways:

  • “ALL parents feel like a part of the school community”
  • “No more 'us vs. them'!”
  • “Town officials and leadership getting to know district families”
  • “All students having advocates both in school and at home… either educationally, or emotionally.”
  • “Acknowledging the power imbalance weighted towards the district - particularly when working with vulnerable populations”
  • “All the different parent organizations working together!”
  • “Families are recognized as experts on their children”

How about you? What are you imagining for this school year? How can MASFEC support your vision? Reach out and let us know!

Latest News
Data Literacy Tip Sheet Series

MASFEC is launching a new initiative to support educators and families to build their data literacy. Being able to ask questions and communicate about data is an important tool for meaningful collaboration between families and schools. Check out our first tip sheets in the collection: 

Learn more about data literacy

Tips for Family Leaders!

‘Tis the season for back-to-school events hosted by family-led groups (SEPACs, ELPACs, PTOs, etc.) in your school district. If you lead “get to know our group” events at any time of the year, this idea from Meghan Chapman, MASFEC’s Family Partnership Specialist, is for you. The post is available in multiple languages!

Try out these 3 questions you can use to engage other families! 




Haitian Creole



Universal Free Lunch Extended in MA!

Governor Baker signed into law a one-year extension of School Meals for All for the 2022-2023 school year in Massachusetts. Read here about some of the benefits – both expected and unexpected – districts across the country experienced when implementing free meals for all.




Haitian Creole


MASFEC survey results are coming soon!

Each year MASFEC conducts a survey of families and educators in Massachusetts. Our 2022 results will offer a snapshot of relationships between families and schools in Massachussetts. We look forward to sharing the results with you. 

Resources From MASFEC
Reading Lists Landing Page
Our book lists are designed to support children's reading skills while helping them explore the world, current events, and many different perspectives. New book lists are added all the time.

CTE Outreach Toolkit

Our Career and Technical Education outreach toolkit was developed in response to focus groups, interviews, and surveys of language-diverse Massachusetts families that found that almost half of non-English speakers were unaware of Career and Technical Education. You may distribute, print, modify, link, or reference our materials in any manner that will improve access to CTE. All materials are available in English, Haitian Creole, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Check out the Toolkit!

Supporting Sibling Relationships
In families with two or more children, it can be challenging to figure out how to support positive relationships between siblings while meeting the unique needs of each child. This goal can feel especially tricky when one or more of the siblings has a disability.

To help caregivers navigate the complexities of sibling relationships, we have compiled a list of resources designed to get you started.

Workshops & Trainings
Positive Solutions: Train the Trainer

Do you have a passion for social-emotional learning and want to promote it in your community?

If so, then consider signing up for the free Positive Solutions For Families train the trainer series, where you will learn about resources to share with your professional and caregiver communities.

Dates for this school year include: 

  • October 2022: 11th, 12th, 13th, 18th, and 20th, 2-4pm 

  • November 2022: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th, and 10th, 4-6pm

  • January 2023: 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, and 26th, 3-5pm

  • April 2023: 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, and 13th, 3-5pm

Contact Bridget Koetsch at bkoetsch@fcsn.org for more details or Learn more and register for Positive Solutions here!

Strengthening Partnerships ToT

Join MASFEC for an in-depth exploration of the Massachusetts statewide framework for family engagement and learn how to bring this training back into your school, district, organization or community.

MAFEC’s three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) will be offered three times in English and one time in Spanish this school year.

November 8, 9, and 10 from 1-4pm – in English

December 7, 8, and 9 from 1-4pm – in Spanish

February 8, 9, 10 from 1-4pm – in English

March 15, 16, 17 from 1-4pm – in English

Learn more and register for Strengthening Partnerships here!

A family smiling
Become a Special Education Surrogate Parent Today

Special Education Surrogate Parents (SESPs) use their knowledge of the IEP process to support students whose parents are unable to do so. If you want to make a difference in the life of a student in your community, consider becoming a SESP today!

Learn more about becoming a SESP here. 


MA Reframing Academy

The Massachusetts Reframing Academy will take place through four interactive virtual sessions, ten online training modules, and completion of a course journal. Each module breaks down specific problems that stand in the way of communicating effectively about family engagement. Through discussion and independent reflection, participants learn and practice research-backed communication strategies that solve those problems and change the way people think about family engagement. The program begins in January 2023. You can sign up now!

Learn more about the MA Reframing Academy here!

Take Your Partnerships to the Next Level

MASFEC and the Federation stand ready to assist organizations and districts that are ready to go deeper in the direction of equity-driven partnership.

Reach out! We'd love to work with you.

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Share YOUR ideas: sfecma@fcsn.org
Massachusetts Statewide Family Engagement Center
529 Main Street, Suite 1M3 | Boston, MA 02129
617.236.7210 | www.masfec.org
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