Day 28

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way," said novelist and activist Arundhati Roy, "On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

The famed philosopher, antiracist activist, and scholar of social movements Angela Davis cautions us to never make the mistake of presuming that what is must always be. Social change happens, she says, when ordinary people are able to imagine a different social order and understand that they, collectively, possess the power to bring about change

During this month, you have been challenged to imagine a different diet, and you probably have had to exercise your creativity. That's good exercise, because creativity and imagination are the key to solving problems. 

From climate change to the persistence of homophobia and other forms of prejudice, we humans must figure out how to do things differently. For those challenges, we will need all of the imagination and creativity we can summon up.

Here are some ways to enhance your own creativity:

  • Stretch your body to expand your mind. Whether it’s yoga, swimming, or dancing, you may find that literally shaking things up a bit physically will get your mind moving in new directions.

  • We’re always suggesting this, and we know that it may seem ironic coming in an e-newsletter, but we cannot stress often enough how important it is to go outside sometimes, to rest your eyes on clouds and trees rather than screens, and to notice other animals, whether they be birds deep in a forest or insects foraging in a bit of urban greenery.

  • Have you read an odd book lately? Sometimes people are so busy keeping up with the latest books in their area of focus that they forget to include fiction, poetry, or non-fiction in other fields in their reading lists. We recommend reading adventurously. Reading fiction helps you see the world from other points of view. Besides enhancing empathy, that can promote creative thinking. Reading non-fiction outside of your usual field may lead you to discover surprising connections. Poetry can do all of these things. (The VINE Book Club reads a wide variety of books, and you are welcome to join!)

  • Stuck on a problem? Maybe words are getting in the way. Try brainstorming by doodling or sketching, or break out the art supplies and see what emerges when you let your hands do what they want while you think about the problem or try to imagine a solution. Or stay with the words, but let them flow more freely by setting a timer and just writing writing writing by hand, writing nonsense words if you go blank, for five or ten minutes.

  • Similarly, if you are planning or problem-solving with a group, try brainstorming in other ways than just sitting around a table talking. Try acting out or dancing the situation you hope to change. Pass out colored pencils and then pair up to sketch, draw, or map the problem you’re trying to solve or the path to the future you envision.

And, if you find that your enhanced creativity leads you to veganize something new or in a new way, tell us about it!

Shout Out

Angela Davis is a living legend -- and she's vegan! Angela Davis first burst into public awareness in the 1970s, when she was placed on the FBI's most wanted list for a crime she did not commit due to her solidarity with the Black Panthers. In recent decades, she has focused primarily on prison abolition. A perfect example of how it is possible to be vegan while focusing on human rights, Davis does critique the way that animals "endure pain and torture as they are transformed into food for profit."

Further Inspiration

For more ways to enhance your imaginative and creative abilities, try these 10 exercises to spark original thinking, these 10 artistic creativity exercises, or these 18 exercises to improve creative thinking and problem-solving.

Recipe of the Day

Today's delectable Recipe of the Day is a imaginative plant-based twist on a classic dish. Packed with protein-rich beans and savory potatoes, these Bean and Potato Vegan Enchiladas are sure to delight your taste buds and keep you fueled for your day ahead.

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The VINE Book Club meets monthly to discuss books of interest to animal advocates who work within an ecological awareness of the linkages between animal exploitation and other forms of injustice. Learn more here.


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