Elizabeth Rose Stanton
Elizabeth Rose Stanton began her grownup life as an architect. Now she builds picture books and is having a blast! She loves books, ghosts, nonsense, and things with stripes. Elizabeth lives in Seattle with her husband and a pair of Scottish Fold cats (striped, of course). She is the author and illustrator of the picture books, Henny , Peddles , Bub and, soon to be released, Cowie .

Get a sneak peek at her portfolio below!
What's your inspiration?
Everything I ever needed to know I learned from a chicken. Well, maybe not everything, but I sure learned a lot about illustration from my quirky feathered friend, and star of my first picture book, Henny .

Henny came to me one day as a doodle. I like to call it procrastidoodling, because I’m usually sketching instead of doing what I really should be doing. At the time, I had been thinking about birds with vestigial wings (don’t ask) and got carried away drawing a funny bird with long dangly arms.

Then I started “thinking” by asking questions. What if it were a little hen? I drew her. What if she really did have arms—instead of wings? I drew some more. What would she do? What could she do? I drew some more. I kept on asking questions. Patterns began to emerge.
One question led to another, then another, until I felt I had a deep understanding of what made my little chick tick. Soon, I had drawn enough Hennys to fill upwards of three fat binders: I drew her at the beach. I drew her as a cowboy. I drew her singing and dancing on a hilltop. I dressed her up. I had her doing everything from driving a tractor to waving like the Queen! These, and so many others, never made it into the book, but the process of asking the questions and drawing the answers helped me define her as a character to the point where, when it came time to tell her story, all the pieces fell into place. Doing these visual explorations helps me get to the heart of the character and, by extension, straight to the heart of the story.

Over time, I’ve come to know that even the simplest doodle can lead to a character—so I am, and will remain, an inveterate doodler. So far, I’ve procrastidoodle-ed my way to a huggable chicken. I’ve danced with a pig and pondered the plight of the forgotten middle child. Oh, and most recently, I’ve asked a donkey what it’s like to want to be a cow (stay tuned!).

I can’t wait to procrastidoodle-up what’s next!
Enjoy a complementary wallpaper download for your device Illustrated by Elizabeth Rose Stanton.


Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Rose Stanton

For Bub, it’s not easy being the middle child in his little monster family—especially such a noisy and busy one: Maw and Paw can be very loud, his big sister Bernice is good at everything, and everyone  has  to pay attention to The Baby. No one has time for Bub. But the day comes when Bub decides to take charge, and suddenly things change in a very magical little monster way! What happens next keeps his family guessing, until Bub sees that it might not be so bad being in the middle, after all.

Published on January 16th, 2018 by Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Rose Stanton

Peddles is tired of being the same old pig—he wants to be different.

He wants to stop doing the usual pig things like oinking and sleeping. He’d much rather stand, climb, and dance! And Peddles finally gets his chance when he bumps into a pile of shoes and finds a pair of red boots that fits just right! But as soon as Peddles tries them on, he falls on his back and can’t get up! Until his special friends come along and show him how to make his dreams come true!

Published on January 5th, 2016 by Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books

Written and illustrated by Elizabeth Rose Stanton

Henny doesn’t look like any other chicken she knows. Instead of wings, she has arms!

Sometimes Henny likes being different—she enjoys the way her arms flutter like ribbons when she runs—but other times…not so much. She just can’t do things the same way as the other chickens.

But doing things the same as everyone else is overrated, as Henny comes to realize in this warmhearted story, sweetly told and illustrated with fresh, expressive artwork that celebrates the individual in everyone.

Published on January 7th, 2014 by Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books