~ September 16, 2021 ~
Good Jobs Institute: Zeynep Ton, Katie Bach
"Profit itself is not a goal, but it’s critical to our mission." As this company's leaders and employee owners debate changes, how should they prioritize the many dimensions of their mission, values and culture?
Project Syndicate: Karl Schmedders, Rick van der Ploeg
Is it still possible to address systemic financial risks independent of climate change?
How can ESG reporting do more to improve outcomes, rather than showcasing so much “hype and hope”? (also see Overselling Sustainability Reporting)
The Verge: Josh Dzieza
"The main reason restaurants weren’t already letting you order a single bacon, egg, and cheese from 50 blocks away for almost no charge is that it’s a terrible business model." How are workers paying the price for the high-pressure delivery market, and how sustainable is this model for companies? (also see The Working Class Has Had Enough and Anti-Masker Abuse, Subpar Healthcare, and a 5 Cent Raise: CVS Workers Say Enough Is Enough)
Politico: Zack Colman, Anthony Adragna
Are activists right, is it time for business to start matching deeds to words? (also see The Purpose of a System Is What It Does, Not What It Claims to Do)
Knowledge@Wharton: Michael Parke
What role can emotions, good and bad, play in building a better workplace?
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