May 25, 2023
How can we promote “ethical flourishing for all” in our economic and social systems? In eleven essays and twenty-two responses, the authors in this special issue tackle a wide range of topics focused on just that. (also see Can the Great Reset Really Create a Gentler, More Equitable Capitalism?)
Kellogg Insight: David A. Besanko, Jessica Love
“I’ll say it again: The results of breaching the debt limit are perilous.” What’s happening, and what’s next? (also see What Would Happen if the U.S. Defaulted on Its Debt)
The Guardian: Oliver Milman, Gabrielle Canon
How will the water crisis reshape residential and commercial futures? (also see Why the New Colorado River Agreement Is a Big Deal — Even if You Don’t Live Out West)
Politico: E. Kinney Zalesne
Who gets to decide what AI can and should do? What if the answer is us? (also see Can You Safely Build Something That May Kill You?)
How do companies legally undermine consumer rights? (also see Shirky Principle: Why Your Personal Trainer Wants You to Stay Unfit)
How is the political battle over tenure playing out at this top research university?
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