~ May 19, 2022 ~
strategy+business: Emma Cox, Colm Kelly, Barry Murphy, Nicole Röttmer
What does it mean for business to get serious about climate? This piece uses concrete examples to discuss risk mitigation, trade-offs, and opportunities. (also see Will the War in Ukraine Accelerate the Transition Away From Fossil Fuels? and More Than 100 Business Leaders Call on EU to Strengthen Energy Security by Accelerating Green Transition)
NPR: Bill Chappell
What does it mean for the golden arches to go dark? (also see What CEOs Can Do As The Rule of Law Is Under Attack)
What are the underlying causes of this critical supply chain issue, and what's the solution? (also see Infant Formula: What's the Shortage Really About?)
NPR's Planet Money: Taylor Washington, Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi
Seriously though, what's the catch?
Capital & Main: Jessica Goodheart
"'Here's the core of it. There ain't going to be any jobs on a dead planet." What opportunities lie at the intersection of labor and climate?
Anthropocene: Sarah DeWeerdt
How does what's good become what's easy? (and in other ways to encourage positive behavior, see 'We're Fed Up With Scary Dreams': Thieves Return Temple Treasures in India)
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