March 9, 2023
Financial Times: Anjli Raval
“Any company can become a B Corp…. It is its biggest strength, but also its biggest weakness.” How does sustainable change take place, and where does a certification like that for B Corporations fit in?
“We’re still getting peanuts to play with when you see the amount of money that has been invested into, you know, e-scooters, car sharing”: What are investors missing? (also see Gender Pay Gap Could Cost the World Economy $7 Trillion, Moody’s Says and 5 Key Things Business Schools Are Doing to Tackle the Gender Pay Gap in 2023)
Storytelling as economic boost: What’s the “secret sauce” elevating both this series and the established industry behind it?
Is this case a question of First Amendment freedoms, or a “bizarre” exception that proves the rule?
ProMarket: Alessio Terzi
Is it reasonable to argue that “some of capitalism’s perverse dynamics can instead be co-opted for virtuous results”? How could it apply in multiple arenas?
Organization Theory: Gianpiero Petriglieri, Susan J. Ashford
What are “the social and institutional challenges of ‘doing’ academia”? A view from the inside.
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