March 30, 2023
TikTok’s business model is shared by other free-to-use social media companies. Is it time to ask broader questions about data, privacy and regulation? (also see The TikTok Ban Is a Betrayal of the Open Internet and How to Fix the TikTok Problem.)
TIME: Kevin J. Delaney
Are tech’s mass layoffs smart strategy, or will they have long-term negative consequences for both employees and business?
Outside Online: Kristin Hostetter
Donate, auction or… What would you do? (also see We’ve Been Fighting Fast Fashion Since the Industrial Revolution)
ProMarket: Patrice Bougette, Oliver Budzinski, Frédéric Marty
How have the complexities of digital ecosystems outpaced antitrust regulation? (also see Elon Musk Says Only Verified Twitter Users to Show Up in “For You” Tab)
Smithsonian Magazine: Rachael Moeller Gorman
What can dairy farming teach other industries about turning waste into profit?
Poets&Quants: John A. Byrne
Dear ChatGPT: “What matters most to you, and why?”
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