March 23, 2023
Positive News: Frank Jotzo, Mark Howden
“Is time running out? Yes. Are we falling short? Yes. Can we turn things around? Yes.” (also see In Conversation With Al Gore and The 50 States of Climate Change)
Gates Notes: Bill Gates
How can we effectively “balance fears about the downsides of AI—which are understandable and valid—with its ability to improve people’s lives”? (for one positive example, see the Animal Rescue Cooperative’s “Ask Me” AI Tool)
ICIJ: Brenda Medina
What’s worse than losing a yacht? (also see How to Make Sanctions on Russian Oligarchs Work)
What happens when the trolley problem meets the Apocalypse? (contains spoilers; also see The Real Horrors of ‘The Last of Us’ May Already Be Here)
“How do we execute on opportunities that emerge amid market dislocation and industry disruption? How do we make sure we come through even stronger, as we’ve done throughout our history?”
The Conversation: Brian P. McCullough
And how can fun be more sustainable? (also see Your NCAA Tournament Bracket Is a Business School in Disguise)
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