~ July 7, 2022 ~
The Aspen Institute Business & Society Program: Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee
Why are environmental, social and governance issues inseparable from business and how can successful integration of those topics help improve finance education? Loyola professor and Ideas Worth Teaching Award winner Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee discusses this, her award-winning course “Finance for a Sustainable World,” and much more.
Texas Monthly: Russell Gold
“Once the land is in the hands of oil companies, who’s left to complain about damage to the land or the groundwater?” (also see I Led the US Lawsuit Against Big Tobacco for Its Harmful Lies. Big Oil Is Next)
SSRN: Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian, Steven Zaslavsky, Yash Bhansali, Ryan Vakil
As companies withdraw from Russia following the invasion of Ukraine, how does “doing good” relate to “doing well” in the world of financial markets? (also see As Tech Companies Pull Back From Russia, China Looks On With Concern)
“It will be pertinent to pretty much every single one of our graduates”: What will it mean for climate to be “pervasive” in business education? (also see The Supreme Court Limited EPA Authority, but Investors and Consumers Are Still Driving Sustainability Forward)
Positive News: Suzanne Bearne
On making change right now: “What is the company already doing that could be built upon?” (also see Channeling Climate Angst into Action)
Sports Illustrated: John Walters
“The sharks have arrived.” What is the view like from inside the fastest-growing sport in America?
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