January 19, 2023
The Guardian: Rebecca Solnit
What does it take to change the world? Step one, change our stories.
Project Syndicate: Jayati Ghosh
Climate, cooperation, change: How will we fund the fundamental transformations we need? (also see ‘Tax Us Now’ - Ultra-Rich Call on Governments to Introduce Wealth Taxes)
Gizmodo: Robert Kozinets, Jon Pfeiffer
What would have to change for the Internet to work without Section 230?
The New York Times: Mihir A. Desai
“The end of magical thinking is upon us as cryptocurrencies and valuations are collapsing — and that is good news.” What’s next for the real economy?
The Bulwark: Addison Del Mastro
“Ronzini says it didn’t want to halt sales of its star-shaped ‘pastina.’ So why did it?”
I by IMD: Andrew J. Hoffman
As future challenges become present problems, is it time for management education to “rejuvenate the intellectual and moral training of future business leaders”? (also see Teaching Award: A Toolkit for Change and 10 Business Schools To Watch In 2023)
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