Thursday, May 23, 2024

From Rejection to Redemption: Idaho State Prof. Awarded NSF CAREER Grant to Develop Next-Gen Fertilizers

When Cori Jenkins received an email rejecting a research proposal she had spent countless hours drafting, to say she was disappointed would be an understatement. The funding Jenkins had her eyes on was a National Science Foundation for a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award, among the most distinguished offered by the agency.

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Office for Research Internal Grant Recipients

The Office for Research is pleased to announce the recipients of awards through our internal grants program. Each year, in the fall, faculty are encouraged to apply for internal grant funding through the Internal Small Grant Program, and in the spring, to the Faculty Seed Grant Program. These awards are an investment in the research and creative scholarship of our ISU faculty. Since 2014, the Office for Research has reinvested over $2 million in recovered facilities and administrative fees in ISU faculty scholars and researchers through various internal grant programs.

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Fall 2024/Spring 2025 Cultural Events Committee Grants - Call for Proposals

The Cultural Events Committee invites all ISU faculty members to submit an application for funding to serve any ISU community. The purpose of the Cultural Events Committee is to bring together the University and surrounding communities through cultural events celebrating human creativity or human experience, with particular attention to human diversity and its relevance, from the perspectives of the arts, the humanities, or those aspects of the social sciences, the sciences, and technology which have artistic or humanistic content and employ artistic or humanistic methods.

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News and Updates

Interim Dean for the College of Education

C. Shane Hunt, Dean for College of Business and Vice Provost of Entrepreneurship and Economic Innovation

Idaho State University Foundation Welcomes New Members to its Board of Directors

Commitment to Community Health in Idaho

University Business Officer Fred Parrish selected for the 2024-2025 NACUBO Fellows Program

G01 Parking Lot Construction Update

Update on New Course Material Model, ISU Book Bundle

FLSA Overtime Changes

Idaho State Today

Roar banners on a lamppost at Reed Gym

Idaho State Today is a twice-weekly employee newsletter that shares University successes, campus updates, and recognizes faculty and staff accomplishments. All past editions of the newsletter are archived online.

To submit a campus update or story for Idaho State Today, fill out the online form by Friday at noon for Monday's edition, and Wednesday at noon for Thursday's edition. A separate newsletter called ROAR Weekly is sent to students on Wednesdays.

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