Thursday, June 20, 2024

ISU Professor's Research May Lead to New Treatments for Diabetes, Other Metabolic Diseases

Cutline info 2: Lizbeth de la Cruz, left, and Danny Whisman look at pancreas samples from a FLUOVIEW microscope in the Advanced Imaging Core Facility.

Lizbeth de la Cruz, an assistant professor in the biological sciences department, is an expert on how organisms metabolize glucose—better known as sugar—and aging. In her lab, she focuses on understanding a type of cell in the pancreas called beta cells. These cells, found in specific areas of the pancreas called pancreatic islets, regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. 

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Partnership with Southeastern Idaho Public Health brings more AEDs to Pocatello Campus

Thanks to a recent donation from Southeastern Idaho Public Health, more buildings on the Pocatello campus are now equipped with special equipment that can help save the life of someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

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Free Accelerated Learning Math Workshop for Teachers August 6 & 7

The Idaho State University Regional Mathematics Center is hosting a free Accelerated Learning Math Workshop on August 6 and 7, 2024 on the ISU Idaho Falls Campus, Bennion Student Union.

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News and Updates

ISU Announces Annual English Scholarship Recipients

Water Restored on Pocatello Campus after Leak Repair

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Roar banners on a lamppost at Reed Gym

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