September, 2024

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IVC New England Launches 16th Year of Service

IVC New England officially launched its 16th year of service with a Day of Reflection and Celebration at St. Ignatius parish in Chestnut Hill (MA) on September 6.

Service Corps Members joined with Spiritual Reflectors and Staff to explore more deeply some of the challenges and joys of a ten-month commitment to local nonprofits seeking to address the needs of individuals and families in their communities. IVC New England partners with 33 nonprofits in Boston, Worcester, Providence, and surrounding towns.

After refreshments, ice-breakers, and an opening prayer by Fred Enman, SJ with a focus on biblical themes of justice and concern for the poor, Spiritual Reflector Mary Ann McLaughlin told her personal story about learning, embracing, and sharing Ignatian Spirituality by continually saying "yes" despite fears of "not knowing what I was getting into." Ignatian Spirituality will be a theme throughout this IVC year.

Ignatian Volunteers have an opportunity to touch base monthly with a "Spiritual Reflector," a person available to listen and to help the volunteer dig deeper into the service experience, to try to see where God may be at work in the highs and lows of the commitment. Spiritual Reflector Mary McGillivray and volunteer Marnie Reynolds spoke of how each meeting is a chance to "walk together on life's journey," and how we all need "soul friends" in life, someone who understands you just as you are.

A challenge for new Service Corps members is that their experience, life skills, and knowledge sometimes go unnoticed as they begin their assignments to busy nonprofit agencies. A panel of veteran Ignatian Volunteers - Jon Braley, Mike Lee, and Rich Boucher - shared their stories of finding the right fit over time at their agencies, by respecting the experience of those whom they were joining, but also indicating areas where they felt that they could make a difference.

IVC New England Regional Director Dave Hinchen gave a short presentation about the current state of the IVC nationally and suggested some helps for the journey that are part of the volunteer year: trust in God, monthly meetings and retreats, spiritual reflectors and staff, and one another.

After a group photo, all present joined new St. Ignatius pastor John Wronski, SJ for Mass, followed by a commissioning of the new IVC members with Jerusalem Cross pins symbolizing the connection between their outreach and the ministry of Christ.

Lunch followed and the 16th year of IVC New England has begun.

Thanks to all who made this day so successful - St. Ignatius parish staff members, our speakers and panelists, our registration team of Bill Kerrigan, Tricia Brennan, Larry Feeney and Louise Cavanaugh, and especially Ann Bersani who coordinated it all.

There Are Still Openings for Service with IVC New England

Catholic Charities RIS,

South Boston

Pernet Family Health, Worcester

East Boston Social Centers

Dear Reader -

If this article looks familiar to you, it is, though slightly altered with updates in available openings! These needs still remain. Please read carefully and spread the word!

At 33 nonprofit agencies in central and eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, IVC New England Service Corps members are committed to teach and tutor young children and adults, use grant writing, legal, HR, and marketing skills, deliver food and furniture to families and seniors, or do direct service with new immigrants and women and men experiencing homelessness.

But openings still remain with several nonprofit partners! If you or someone you know has been considering a year of service with IVC, contact our office now! Your help is needed. You will never regret your gift of time and talent. Click here for the moving story of one of our current IVC members, and to learn more about IVC.

Among our available opportunities are: work with immigrants and refugees at Catholic Charities (Boston), Catholic Charities Worcester County, and East Boston Social Centers; education positions with Nurtury Early Education and Friends of Rafael Hernandez ( Boston), and a reception/greeter position at Nativity School Worcester; and, administrative, marketing, advocacy, legal, and advancement positions in a variety of locations, including Haley House and Irish Pastoral Centre in Boston, Saint Rock Haiti Foundation in Milton (MA), and Matthew 25 in Worcester.

Other direct service and administrative or maintenance positions include: Father Bill's & MainSpring (Quincy/Brockton); Pernet Family Health (Worcester), and McAuley Village (Providence).

A current listing of all are openings can be found by clicking here, or, stay up to date on changes by contacting the IVC New England office or going directly to our website. Contact our office for more information or an application.

IVC New England Service Corps members supplement and support their service with spiritual reflection. Each volunteer has the opportunity to meet with a personal reflector, and to join with other corps members in monthly, reflective meetings, as part of a community engaged in service.

Faith and the Faithful and the 2024 Presidential Election:

Political Realities and Catholic Social Teaching

The Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life at Georgetown University will be sponsoring a public forum on the 2024 presidential election just 24 hours after the Kamala Harris/Donald Trump debate. The forum takes place on Wednesday, September 11. Though a live forum, it is available by streaming and will be posted online for later viewing. It is necessary to register. Register here.

The forum will explore the religious and political dynamics of this election year. Some of the areas being explored include:

  • How will faith and the faithful shape the campaigns and voters’ decisions in this election?
  • How can Catholic principles of respect for human life and dignity, solidarity and subsidiarity, a priority for the poor, and care for creation be reflected in the discernment and choices of believers?
  • How will these choices affect our democracy and our future as a nation?

Participants in the forum are: Sohrab Ahmari - founder and editor of Compact magazine; E.J. Dionne - columnist at the Washington Post; Nichole Flores - associate professor of religious studies at the University of Virginia; and, Kristen Soltis Anderson - pollster, commentator at CNN and the New York Times. 

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Roslindale, MA 02131