Dear Colleagues,
Since our last issue of IUPHAR News, IUPHAR has finally completed its reform process. Following the Executive Board elections by our member societies, the first face-to-face meeting of the new Board took place at the Annual Congress of the British Pharmacological Society in Liverpool, UK. Here, plans for the further work of IUPHAR for the next years were made.
Of particular importance is the World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology WCP2023, taking place in Glasgow United Kingdom from 2-7 July 2023 that is perfectly organized by the British Pharmacological Society. The British colleagues have put together an extremely attractive scientific program and more than 3,500 participants from all over the world are expected. The call for abstracts is still ongoing until November 20, 2022. I ask all our member societies to encourage their individual members to submit abstracts if they have not already done so and to take advantage of the early bird registration fee for the congress. More registration information can be found in this issue.
Looking ahead, we envisage WCP2026 Congress in Melbourne, Australia, organized by the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT). For WCP2030, the Board is opening the bidding phase shortly and specific instructions for the bidding can be found in this newsletter.
In addition, and for the first time, IUPHAR is offering a Lifetime Achievement Award to honor pioneering contributions to the field. This award is given for significant and sustained work that advances and extends knowledge in pharmacology as well as an exceptional contribution to the advancement of IUPHAR and will be presented during WCP2023. Instructions for nominations of this highly prestigious award can be found in this newsletter.
Enjoy reading about the many activities of IUPHAR.
Ingolf Cascorbi, President
Highly Cited Researchers
The Clarivate list of Highly Cited Researchers in pharmacology and toxicology has just been published and of the 153 named scientists, 15 work closely with IUPHAR.
WCP2023 Registration, Abstract Submission, Programme, and Accommodation Information
Here's your passport to a world of cutting-edge science and unmissable career opportunities. The WCP2023 programme features a range of scientific sessions underpinned by excellent science and promotes collaboration, innovation, and discovery.
World Smart Medication Day Recap
With over 400 participants, World Smart Medication Day aimed to foster clinical pharmacology development and raise awareness on safe and effective uses of drugs. The 2022 theme was “Clinical Pharmacology in the Era of Pandemics,” which was a relevant and pertinent topic because clinical pharmacology is a key discipline for managing these drug-related problems.
The World Smart Medication Day webinar took place on 5 May 2022 and included: a welcome address from the IUPHAR president, a plenary lecture on clinical pharmacologists and the UK’s response to COVID-19, a lecture on clinical pharmacologists in Africa and Latin America.
Early Career Researcher Committee Update
The overall goal of this committee is to provide a voice for early career pharmacologists to the IUPHAR Executive Committee. It provides a means for early career pharmacologists to engage with IUPHAR and other pharmacological national member societies.
The ECR Committee will work closely with the Executive Committee on various tasks including communications, IUPHAR newsletters, governance matters, conferences, and other IUPHAR meetings.
International Forum for Early Career Researchers on Pharmacology of Natural Products and Traditional Medicines
The forum, themed "Target Discovery of Natural Products," was co-organized by the Section on the Pharmacology of Natural Products (SPNP), IUPHAR, and the Chinese Pharmacological Society (CNPHARS). The three virtual forums attracted more than 700 participants from Europe, Asia, Africa, and other regions.
World Congress Bidding Guidelines
This document is intended as a guide for IUPHAR member societies that have expressed an interest in submitting a formal bid to host a World Congress of Pharmacology (WCP) on behalf of IUPHAR.
IUPHAR Section Spotlights
Clinical Section Update
The IUPHAR and its Clinical and Translational Section has been in active collaboration with the Spanish Society of Clinical Pharmacology and the Argentine Association of Experimental Pharmacology (AAFE) to organize a Clinical Pharmacology Course divided into 3 parts. There were Latin American/IUPHAR Clinical Pharmacology Courses on November 2, 9 and 16 from 3:00pm – 6:00pm (CET). In general, the increasing complexity of clinical drug development has become evident in recent years. Currently, clinical research with drugs or medical devices faces many challenges such as the repositioning of marketed drugs for new indications or the evaluation of new therapies that include biologics or gene modifying agents, which often implies a redefinition of traditional endpoints in efficacy and safety from a perspective of precision medicine.
NC-IUPHAR Section Update
There have been several publications from NC-IUPHAR in the British Journal of Pharmacology in 2022, some of which were initiated from the twice-yearly meetings of the Nomenclature and Standards Committee (see below). These twice-yearly meetings (in spring and fall) continue to take place as virtual meetings, although it is anticipated that the spring 2023 meeting will allow attendees from within Europe to gather in Paris for discussions. As always, a central focus of these meetings is the database at and the provision of evidence-based content. Beyond these meetings, a current focus of NC-IUPHAR is a systematic analysis of the Family A orphan GPCR, with a view to identifying provisional putative endogenous ligands and reviewing evidence for deorphanizations.
Member Society Conferences & Meetings
2022 IUPHAR Dues
Member society dues help to fund the expansive work of IUPHAR. If your national member society has not paid 2022 dues, please contact us.
Are you the right contact?
It's time to update the IUPHAR member database. We are asking each member society to email a leadership list to the IUPHAR Executive Office.
Announcing: The WCP Lifetime Achievement Award
The Lifetime Achievement Award was established by the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology to honor pioneering contributions to the field. The award is given for significant and sustained work that advances and extends knowledge in pharmacology as well as an exceptional contribution to the advancement of IUPHAR. The Award Committee is chaired by the current President and is composed of the immediate past President of the Union and members of the Executive Committee.
Pharmacocareers for Employers & Job Seekers
Finding the next expert for your team can be hard. Pharmacocareers has many recruiting resources for employers. Put your job opening in front of the right audience. Job seekers can search for openings and receive a free resume review.
Membership or IUPHAR Questions?
Please reach out to the IUPHAR Executive Office.
Jesse Howard, IUPHAR Executive Office
Addison Propes, IUPHAR Executive Office
... and don't forget to connect with us on social media