Dear Colleagues,
Since our last issue of IUPHAR News, IUPHAR has finally completed its reform process. Following the Executive Board elections by our member societies, the first face-to-face meeting of the new Board took place at the Annual Congress of the British Pharmacological Society in Liverpool, UK. Here, plans for the further work of IUPHAR for the next years were made.
Of particular importance is the World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology WCP2023, taking place in Glasgow United Kingdom from 2-7 July 2023 that is perfectly organized by the British Pharmacological Society. The British colleagues have put together an extremely attractive scientific program and more than 3,500 participants from all over the world are expected. The call for abstracts is still ongoing until November 20, 2022. I ask all our member societies to encourage their individual members to submit abstracts if they have not already done so and to take advantage of the early bird registration fee for the congress. More registration information can be found in this issue.
Looking ahead, we envisage WCP2026 Congress in Melbourne, Australia, organized by the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (ASCEPT). For WCP2030, the Board is opening the bidding phase shortly and specific instructions for the bidding can be found in this newsletter.
In addition, and for the first time, IUPHAR is offering a Lifetime Achievement Award to honor pioneering contributions to the field. This award is given for significant and sustained work that advances and extends knowledge in pharmacology as well as an exceptional contribution to the advancement of IUPHAR and will be presented during WCP2023. Instructions for nominations of this highly prestigious award can be found in this newsletter.
Enjoy reading about the many activities of IUPHAR. 

Ingolf Cascorbi, President