The International Town & Gown Association™ Newsletter
March 21, 2019
Welcome to Dateline, a weekly newsletter highlighting college town news from around the world.
Decrease in Alcohol-Related Incidents on St Patrick's Day in Chico Because of Spring Break
Alcohol-related incidents are down in Chico during Saint Patrick's Day, according to the Chico Police Department, thanks to a change in the scheduling of spring break. Decades ago, Chico had a major influx of alcohol-related incidents during Saint Patrick's Day mainly associated with students at Chico State due to it being a major drinking holiday. The change to spring break was officially implemented by Chico State in 2003, and since then, alcohol-related incidents have decreased. Chico police say that over the years, they have seen a rise in alcohol related incidents on Cesar Chavez Day, a holiday on March 31 celebrated by all California State schools including Chico State. KRCR News
Oregon Foundation Launches Business Retention, Expansion Program
The Oregon Economic Development Foundation is helping to launch a business retention and expansion program. Over the next several weeks, nearly 1,000 businesses in Oregon will have the opportunity to help better understand the issues facing companies in today's economy. The first phase of the project will involve surveying nearly 1,000 businesses on and around the Navarre Avenue business corridor, according to Sommer Vriezelaar, executive director of the Foundation. "Existing businesses create up to 86 percent of all new jobs in a community, so it's important to examine the needs of those companies already committed to Oregon," said Vriezelaar. The Press
City of Kent and Kent State University to Host the 4th Annual Ohio Town & Gown Summit
The City of Kent and Kent State University are excited to host the 4th annual Town & Gown Summit on July 18th & 19th! Confirmed keynote speakers have dedicated their careers to civil service, university scholarship, and intentionally-shared endeavors. One feature will include visiting the historic site and hearing how, 50 years later, May 4th, 1970 ("The Day The War Came Home") continues to affect an entire community. There is no requirement to be from Ohio! $50 registration for two days of sharing, learning and experiencing our Larry Abernathy award-winning community is an incredible value. To register, click here.
Brockport's Town-Gown Committee
"We have a shared interest in preserving the vitality and quality of life in our community." This is the goal of the Committee, expressed by its co-chairs Margay Blackman, Mayor of Brockport, and Heidi Macpherson, President of The College at Brockport. Under our co-chairmanship it has grown to 46 members. The Committee has created some great partnerships among The College, Village of Brockport and Town of Sweden. While the full committee is a massive size, the work gets done through three subcommittees: Off-Campus Housing and Neighborhood Quality of Life; Alcohol/Drugs in a College Community; and Community/College Communication and Outreach. Westside News Inc.
Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault on Campus
Every day, people across Canada make the brave decision to tell someone about their experience of sexual violence. The conversation might last only a minute, but it can have a long-lasting impact on the survivor. If the survivor doesn't get a supportive response, they might never tell anyone again, or might blame themselves for what happened to them. It's with this urgency in mind that MacQuarrie and a team of researchers at the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children at Western University have developed new training on how to effectively respond to disclosures of sexual violence. Titled " Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence," the web-based resource is the product of three years of work by experts in best practices of responding to disclosures of sexual violence. Academia Forum
Join us on Social Media
A growing and impressive group of professionals from campus communities continue to network and share strategies for improving town-gown relations. Join us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
ITGA News & Announcements
Webinar announcement: Supporting Recovery and Building Resilience on Campus: The Role of Collegiate Recovery Programs-hosted by The U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, and the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments in coordination with the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy- Thursday, March 28: 3:00-4:15pm. Learn more.

Conference registration is open: Register for the ITGA City & University Relations Conference, May 19-22. Learn more.

ITGA Awards: Be sure to nominate a colleague for the ITGA Presidential Excellence Award or Larry Abernathy Award by Monday, April 1. The awards will be presented at the ITGA Conference in May. Learn more