The International Town & Gown Association™ Newsletter
February 14, 2019
Welcome to Dateline, a weekly newsletter highlighting college town news from around the world.
ITGA City & University Relations Conference: Key Deadlines and Reminders
The ITGA City & University Relations Conference, May 19-22, is a multi-day event with presentations by prominent speakers, leading authors and experienced professionals. To see the great line-up of keynote speakers, click here. The conference draws attendees from around the globe looking for real-life solutions to city-university challenges. In addition to the conference, ITGA offers separate workshops, Sunday, May 19, of the Certificate Level I and II in Town Gown Relations. These programs are the foundation for understanding the complex issues in strengthening or repairing relations in a town gown community. Proposals for this year's conference are due Friday, February 15. Early registration also ends the same day. Please visit for conference updates. ITGA
University of Birmingham Among 30 Universities to Sign Civic University Agreement to Reaffirm Local Role
The University of Birmingham joins 30 other institutions, which include many of the best-known names in higher education, in committing to produce a "Civic University Agreement" in partnership with local government and other major institutions. The new agreement is a key recommendation in a report published today by the Civic University Commission set up by the UPP Foundation and chaired by the former Head of the Civil Service, Lord Kerslake. The report sets out how universities have the capability, opportunity and responsibility to support the places where they are based to solve some of the most pressing and major problems. University of Birmingham
What Community College Students Say Impedes Their Progress
Most community colleges are aware of the challenges students face if they are working, raising children or struggling to afford textbooks. But a newly released survey digs into the nuances of those challenges so colleges can pinpoint ways to lift barriers to college completion and prevent students from dropping out. Researchers at NC State designed and encouraged students to participate in the Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges survey. The survey found that working and paying for expenses were the top two challenges community college students said impeded their academic success. The researchers surveyed nearly 6,000 two-year college students from 10 community colleges in fall 2017 and 2018. Inside Higher Ed
Beyond Brexit: How Universities and Companies are Trying to Look Past the Cliff Edge
Speaking at an event at Imperial College London, at which Science Business brought together universities and companies to share their thoughts on 'Beyond Brexit' strategies, Sean Hand, deputy pro-vice-chancellor at the University of Warwick said the game plan for Warwick is to "double down" on its strong European and global identity. Some of the new partnerships have an unusual twist. University College London has announced a "cities partnership" programme to "focus on a city rather than a specific partner." The three-year partnerships, with Rome and Paris chosen as the initial destinations, will involve funding for academic collaborations, teaching and a series of public events. Science Business
Town/Gown and MLK Day of Service in Richmond, Kentucky
The Town/Gown Fire Safety Community Service Project, which grew out of an original grant project by the Michael H. Minger Foundation and Campus Firewatch, is now in its second year. This year, Campus Firewatch, First Alert and the Michael H. Minger Foundation, were able to bring it to more communities across the nation. On January 21, 53 EKU students partnered with the Richmond Fire Department to honor the life, legacy and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King. Students joined together to engage community members in conversations about home fire safety problems as well as install much needed smoke alarms. In two and a half hours, they installed 70 smoke alarms and 10 carbon monoxide alarms, removed 34 expired alarms and made 25 referrals for future installations. Campus Firewatch
Join us on Social Media
A growing and impressive group of professionals from campus communities continue to network and share strategies for improving town-gown relations. Join us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
ITGA News & Announcements
Reminder: Bids to Host the 2020 ITGA Conference must be submitted by Friday, Feb. 15.
Welcome New & Renewing Members
Bowling Green State University, California State University Chico, City of Ames, City of London, Humboldt State University, P.U.M.A., Saint Joseph's University, University of Oregon, University of Scranton, University of South Carolina