
Campus-Community Connections | A Publication of ITGA


September 16, 2021

ITGA News & Announcements

Unlock Membership Resources

ITGA is the premiere global organization addressing every touch point in campus community relations. As a member, our new website is here for you as a go-to-resource for everything you need for town and gown related business. To unlock the membership-only resources, follow the directions using this link to access the new ITGA Listserve, conference presentations and much more.


Webinars & Upcoming Events

ITGA is rapidly growing and so are the opportunities to engage with ITGA.

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Submission Deadline Closes 9/24

ITGA and Engaging Local Government Leaders are partnering on GovLove podcast.


National & International Headlines

Universities Weaning Alcohol from Welcome Weeks

As students return to campuses across Canada after a nearly two-year hiatus from in-person learning, universities are redoubling efforts to help mitigate what experts say is a perfect storm of conditions for binge drinking and other behaviours.

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Mason Graduate Students get Consultant Training

Students pursuing a Master's Degree in Management at George Mason University usually spend four months getting work experience. Due to the pandemic, administrators asked local businesses what they thought of hiring students to do remote “researchships.”

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Universities Fighting to Survive Financial Meltdown

Lebanon’s universities are on their knees, suffering a 90% drop in the value of tuition revenue, and unable to access their own money inside the country amid a confluence of financial and fuel crises, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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15 of the Most Beautiful College Towns

The U.S. is home to more than 5,000 colleges and universities, often situated on idyllic campuses that seem to leap straight out of the pages of a brochure. Many of them are surrounded by equally gorgeous towns worthy of a visit in their own right.

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Census Disruptions for Counts in College Towns

Normally it's something that you can rely on as being literally the best data available, said Hamilton Lombard, a demographer at UVA. But this year, demographers like Lombard need to dig a little deeper into the numbers, especially in college towns.

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International Town & Gown Association

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