
Campus-Community Connections | A Publication of ITGA


September 9, 2021

ITGA News & Announcements

Welcome to the New Website!

The ITGA is the premiere global organization addressing every touch point in campus relations and their host communities. As a member, this website is here for you as a go-to resource for everything you need for town and gown related business. Take a test drive and see all of the improvements suggested by you! To visit the ITGA website, click here.

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Webinars & Upcoming Events

ITGA is rapidly growing and so are the opportunities to engage with ITGA.

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Highlighting Your Community

ITGA and Engaging Local Government Leaders are partnering on GovLove podcast.


National & International Headlines

More Than a Mural

Community volunteers and Grinnell College students joined together in downtown Grinnell to paint a mural on the south side of McNally's Food Store building. The mural gives life to a new public space and shares a heartfelt message.

Link to Full Article

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How and Why Institutions Should Collaborate with their Communities

A donor learns of a need at an institution and makes a gift to facilitate a solution. But what if the need is in the community, not campus? There are numerous ways for institutions to engage with their communities.

Link to Full Article


Returning Students Warned about Parties during Orientation Week

This year's orientation week will be held in the midst of the pandemic's fourth wave in London, ONT. Officers will make themselves highly visible in neighbourhoods, patrolling for noise, nuisance and numbers.

Link to Full Article

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Good Neighbor Day 10-Year Anniversary

The collaborative partnership between the City of College Park, the University of Maryland, and the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission encourages pride in the Greater College Park community.

Link to Full Article

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Dickinson Wins ITGA Presidential Excellence Award

Dickinson was honored for her role in the #InThisTogether campaign. The COVID-related donation and project management system not only impacted the community, but improved the daily existence of caregivers and frontline healthcare workers.

Link to Full Article

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Job Posting: CSU's Off-Campus Life officially launched their search for a Property Manager Liaison. To see the full posting, click here.

International Town & Gown Association

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