
Campus-Community Connections | A Publication of ITGA


September 23, 2021

ITGA News & Announcements

Did You Know?

Did you know that ITGA is refreshing the Certificate in Town-Gown Relations? This program is designed to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges that impact town-gown relations with solutions that benefit all "sides" of town-gown issues. The program provides networking and learning amongst colleagues from around the globe and will launch in early 2022.

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Webinars & Upcoming Events

ITGA is rapidly growing and so are the opportunities to engage with ITGA.

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Making the 2020 Census Count

ITGA partnered with the US Census Bureau on a webinar to discuss the CQR Process.


National & International Headlines

This College is Asking Personal Questions with Positive Outcomes

In August, Amarillo College emailed its students a message it sends out each semester: Would they take a few minutes to disclose their out-of-class needs? Within 72 hours, 99 students attending the community college had confirmed they were homeless.

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Freshers' Week Drive to Give COVID Jabs to Students in England

The NHS’s top doctor has called on freshers to get the vaccine at pop-up clinics and walk-in centres set up by universities before their courses begin. The plea comes as thousands of students arrive at university campuses across the UK.

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Funding Gaps for HBCUs

A report from the Century Foundation found that non-HBCUs had significantly larger endowments than their HBCU counterparts. The average endowment per student for public colleges was more than three times larger than the average endowment at public HBCUs. It's time to fix this says the author.

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Harness Higher Education to 'Supercharge' COVID Recovery

The Vice-Chancellors of the Universities of Durham and Newcastle believe the track record in attracting investment, creating new jobs and providing local employers with skilled workers means they have both experience and the capability to drive a rapid recovery.

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For Minnesota College Towns, 'Perfect Storms' Hits Census Counts

The pandemic scattered students from their campuses last year, leaving ghost

towns across Minnesota. For local and federal officials making sure every resident was counted in the 2020 census, the timing could not have been worse.

Link to Full Article


Job Posting: The City of Corvallis is seeking a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator. To learn more, click here.

International Town & Gown Association

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