ISWM Header 1
Issue No. 2
May 2011
ISWM univ

ISWM University 2011:
Tech Excellence as a Weigh of Life!

May 18-20, 2011
Virginia Beach, VA

There's still time to join us in Virginia Beach, for two days of focused Weights and Measures technical training--mixed with just the right amount of fun and casual networking! But don't delay...Register Now!

Tom Caso, Kash Associates, will open the conference with a discussion of Technical Excellence as a Brand, and then provide Owners and Managers with an extensive, focused workshop: Developing a Process for Service. Otto Warnlof will present Handbook 44 Training and Testing--be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to train and test with a true legend. Plus five intensive, Technical Sessions will be offered over two days by Jim Daggon and Ann Crowley of Rice Lake Weighing Systems, and Jan Borge of Western Weighing Technologies. 

Take a look at the Conference Schedule-at-a-Glance and see why you won't want to miss ISWM University 2011!

Hotel is sold out...
But there is still availability at the
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
Virginia Beach Oceanfront
2607 Atlantic Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Hotel Front Desk: (757) 491-6900 
Hotel Fax: (757) 491-2125


Insurance Deals through ISWM


Did you know that you can get discounted Business Insurance as a member of ISWM? We partner with Sentry Insurance, who has extensive experience with manufacturers and distributors, so they will be able to address your unique needs related to property, casualty, life, and retirement products. All the details are on the members only side of our website.


ISWM Resources on the Web

And while you're in the members only section  take advantage of the other resources there, like a downloadable version of the Handbook 44 Scale Code Manual, plus an e-book on Generations from the author of one of our newsletter articles. After the ISWM University sessions in May we'll put up some of the resources from our speakers as well. But you have to be a member to get these, so if you're not, join now!


Join the Conversation
on Linked In

ISWM has an active Linked In Group, but we're always looking for more conversations. Recently group members have been talking about topics for ISWM technical training programs, looking for manuals for specific pieces of equipment, and getting to know new ISWM members. Join the group and get in on the conversation today.


Manufacturer Division

The new Manufacturer Division was approved by the Board in February, and it is planning to meet at next week's ISWM University in Virginia Beach to elect officers and get started with its plan of activities for 2011. If you're a manufacturer in this industry you'll want to have a voice in shaping ISWM's activities on behalf of manufacturers in our industry. Join us in Virginia Beach and play a part in shaping our future! Email Rudy Kolaci if you want to get more involved.


January 24-27, 2012
ISWM Conference and Expo
Sam's Town Hotel and Gambling Hall
Las Vegas, Nevada


In This Issue
ISWM University 2011
Insurance Deals through ISWM
ISWM Resources on the Web
Join the Conversation on Linked In
Manufacturer Division
Upcoming Events

Board Meeting
May 17, 2011

ISWM University

May 18-20, 2011

WAM Magazine Show October 18-19, 2011
Southern Indiana

Board Meeting
October 20, 2011


 ISWM univ
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