Volume 26 | No.5 | May 2024

From Netty Cracknell, President


Dear Eunji

As we move into a new ISOPP year, I would like to thank every single person who has volunteered, helped, supported and/or joined ISOPP in the last 12 months. The Society has had a demanding and busy year which we discussed last month at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and which is reflected in our annual report. It humbles me to see the hard work and dedication from oncology pharmacy professionals who are supporting ISOPPs mission to advance oncology pharmacy care for patients around the world.

It is with ISOPPs mission in mind, which led to the ISOPP leadership team being inspired to progress to a new membership model of no-fee. As a global organization, we wanted to give all oncology pharmacy professionals globally, regardless of financial situation, the opportunity to join ISOPP and benefit from the Society’s offerings, such as education, networking, and access to the Society’s peer reviewed journal – JOPP (Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice). Our global representation and membership continues to grow week on week and I invite you to share ISOPP no-fee membership with your colleagues and network to expand our community further.

ISOPP last month, in collaboration with BOPA, launched the Understanding Targeted therapies and Immunotherapies for cancer (UTIC) course which has already had over 200 members access this learning. This month we are re-launching our Oncology Pharmacotherapy and Applications of Biosimilars (OPAB) Program (see below for more information) and a new webinar series, which started with a global collaboration across all continents on ‘Understanding Oncology Drug Shortages from an International Perspective’. All this is free to access for our ISOPP members. Keep an eye on our website, newsletters and social media for more information and to stay up to date. As part of our strategic plan, ISOPP is looking to continuously improve our resources so please get in contact if you wish to volunteer your time or support our mission. 

As our membership grows, I would invite you all to use our discussion forum on the website to ask colleagues questions about work related queries, and in return please do answer any queries if you can. Help each other to grow our networking and support each other for our profession and our patients globally.

And finally, please mark the dates of April 3-7, 2025 in your diary for the ISOPP CAPhO 2025 International Symposium and Masterclasses in Victoria, BC, Canada. I would love to see you there.

If you can support ISOPP by donating anything from $5 Canadian Dollars to help run the Society and continue to further our work, please donate here. 

Netty Cracknell

ISOPP President 2024 - 2026

ISOPP News and Update

The OPAB (Oncology Pharmacotherapy and Applications of Biosimilars)


 Complimentary for ISOPP members and therefore can be accessed for no-fee.


The course was developed to support oncology pharmacy staff to introduce biosimilars safely and confidently into their clinical practice in collaboration with the multidisciplinary healthcare team. ISOPP presents this education program by giving both fundamentals and advanced aspects of 1) pharmacotherapy of various cancers, 2) implementation of biosimilars in oncology practice and 3) interpretation of available scientific and regulatory data and pharmacist’s recommendations for using biosimilars in different cancers.


For more information, please click here: https://www.isopp.org/opab

Save the date - ISOPP CAPhO Symposium 2025


Mark your calendars and save the date! The ISOPP CAPhO Symposium is taking place on April 3-7, 2025 in beautiful Victoria, BC, Canada! Enhance your practice, collaborate with your national and international colleagues, and join us here.

UTIC certificate updated


We have updated the UTIC certificate given feedback received from our members. If you wish a certificate in the new format, just log into the ISOPP website and reprint from the e-learning section of the website.


The ISOPP webinar on ‘Understanding Oncology Drug Shortages from an international perspective’ was held on May 29 and is available to watch here.


This webinar is the start of a monthly series of webinars led by the ISOPP Education Committee.  More details on what is coming up can be found here:


JOPP Call for Reviewers


The Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice (JOPP) is looking for ISOPP members to serve as reviewers for articles submitted to the journal.

Reviewers help maintain the high-quality of papers published in JOPP by:

Providing guidance about suitability for JOPP’s scope

• Providing critical review of submitted papers

• Completing review within two weeks 

Sage supports diversity and inclusion for all aspects of journal management. The Sage Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Pledge can be found here.


If you are interested in being added to the JOPP reviewer list, please send a brief description of your relevant experience and your CV to Barry Goldspiel, JOPP Editor and ISOPP Secretariat Member, at brgoldspiel@gmail.com.

ISOPP’s Annual General Meeting


ISOPP’s 2024 AGM took place on Tuesday, April 30 and afterwards we enjoyed an educational session delivered by Elaine Vickers – Targeting the 10 hallmarks of cancer. The recording is now available on the ISOPP website: https://www.isopp.org/education-resources/virtual-education/virtual-library


We welcome your feedback on any items discussed at the AGM at membership@isopp.org.

Australasia Regional Oncology Pharmacy Symposium 2024 (AusROPS 2024)

Presentations from AusROPS 2024 are now available in the virtual library on the ISOPP website: https://www.isopp.org/education-resources/virtual-education/virtual-library.


For more information about the event please click here https://www.isopp.org/isopp-symposia/past-isopp-australasian-symposia

ISOPP's Society and Symposium Management Office

Sea to Sky Meeting and Association Management is ISOPP's Society and Symposium Management Office. We support ISOPP’s volunteer leadership (Secretariat, its Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups), its members and other stakeholders to help achieve ISOPP’s mission to advance oncology pharmacy care for patients around the world. If you have any questions about membership, services, Symposium or the Society, please contact the ISOPP Office directly as follows:

Email:  membership@isopp.org

Direct: +1-604-984-6455

Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue 

North Vancouver, BC Canada V7M 3M7


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