From Netty Cracknell, Incoming President
Over the last year, Evelyn and I, together with the ISOPP leadership team, have been working closely together to bring to our members the 10-year vision for ISOPP. This is a pivotal piece of work that gives the organisation a long forward thinking plan and set goals. This will over time, be updated and modified, but for now it gives clarity and transparency to our members, supporters and other organisations, in pharmacy, or oncology. This vision, coupled with the 3 year strategic plan launched this month lays out a clear path for ISOPP, with specific objectives to achieve, all of which feed into or help shape the future for oncology pharmacy globally.
With the first few months of no-fee membership, the society has grown considerably and we have new challenges to face, such as onboarding the numerous volunteers, an incredible and lovely problem to have as an organisation! We have started work on a new ISOPP website, due to be launched later this year which will show improved navigation and communication about our committees and the work that they carry out. I will let you read our annual report, introduced this year, for more information on what each committee has done and have planned for the future. Without the chairs and member volunteers in each committee, ISOPPs work would not be possible and I would like to thank them all for their time and commitment to improve services, education, knowledge, research, communication, engagement, advocacy, governance and more within oncology pharmacy.
As we move into a new year for ISOPP, due to the changes made to the Bylaws, there were no elections in 2023 and our leadership team will remain the same for the term that runs from April 2024-April 2025. With the significant changes that have occurred this year, this is a quiet calm as we then launch into the new strategy for the organisation and continue preparing for our International Symposium in 2025 in Canada with CAPhO. Please mark the dates in your diaries and start securing funding for fees and expenses either through workplace/ pharmaceutical sponsorship or other routes.
I would like to thank Evelyn for her support and guidance during my president-elect term. I did not know Evelyn well before ISOPP in Spain and I have found she has a silent pillar of strength, this coupled with compassion and a determination to help and improve ISOPP and oncology pharmacy globally was inspirational. I have now adopted many American phrases in my general vocabulary as we meet weekly to ensure ISOPP actions are progressed.
As your new president, I will endeavour to lead the organization for the benefit of all oncology pharmacy practitioners globally. Regardless of race, sexuality, gender, spoken language, place of residence or economic situation, I will try my best to continue to lead ISOPP into an organisation that can help you be the best oncology pharmacy practitioner you can be.