October 12, 2023

In this Issue-

Scroll down for some really great laughs. . . Thanks Carla!

Metaphysical Sunday Service

October 15, 2023 at 10:00 am - 11:15 am

The Lotus Center

124 County Highway 58

Oneonta, NY 13820

Also on Zoom

"Divine Duct Tape: Being Perfectly Imperfect"

Renee Ranke will be our homilist and Diana Friedell our emcee.

Sunday Service Zoom link

Upcoming classes and events...

Meditation for Mystics, Healers & Seers

October 12, 2023 at 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

ZOOM Mtg- Get link when you register

Quiet, Calm, Go within: This three-part class looks at the art, the history, the science, and the magic of meditation from three unique perspectives. START Your practice, or renew your practice, Meditation is an essential skill for developing your intuitive abilities, for self-healing, and to receive messages from the Spirit World. Come and find out why, and open the door to a whole new world. Tonight's session is with the delightful Renee Ranke, ISD Faculty. Tonight's is the last of 3 sessions- Jump in and receive a recording of part 1 and 2. Taken this before? Review for half price. . .


"Sanctity of the Vessel- Resolution of the Death Space" w/Kimberly Winsor

October 15, 2023 at 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

In person ISD Lotus Center or on ZOOM

124 County Road 58Oneonta, NY 13820

‭(240) 285-8011‬

* Double CLASS!*

Perhaps the most important class in the series, this 3hr+ class will honor our often biggest obstacle to good grounding; the fear of death. Drawing from established traditions and practices to become more comfortable and familiar with the death process, we then come to know ourselves in life. As with so much personal work, as we become able to make friends with a thing, to hold it gently as a child and see it for what it is, without needing to change it, it changes and transforms us. So it will be as we gently open to this beautiful part of living...


Oracle Group on Zoom with Story Ducey

6 Sessions- Mondays 10-09-23 Through 11-13-23

7:00 pm  9:00 pm

ZOOM Mtg- Get link when you register

This Monday Group is called an Oracle Group because we will be focusing first, on deep meditation for healing and renewal for ourselves as we attempt to reenter the world together.

Then, we will be seeking guidance, teachings and home work from Spirit together for all of us and our families as we move through this transition. This is experimental work with Spirit. We allow Spirit to direct us and present the teachings they want us to focus on.

We will record the messaging and seek the overall message as confirmed by the majority of the messaging.

The overall goal is to dissolve challenging personal and communal karma while we seek strength and guidance in creating a new chapter for ourselves as individuals and for our world.



Oracle Group in Person with Story Ducey

 Weekly on Wednesdays 10/18/23, 10/25/23, 11/01/23, 11/08/23 and 11/15/23 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM 

Darling Hill Retreat

404 Ed Herman Rd., Westford, NY

This Wednesday in person workshop Series is called an Oracle Group because we will be focusing first, on deep meditation for healing and renewal for ourselves as we attempt to reenter the world together.

Then, we will be seeking guidance, teachings and home work from Spirit together for all of us and our families as we move through this transition. This is experimental work with Spirit. We allow Spirit to direct us and present the teachings they want us to focus on.

We will record the messaging and seek the overall message as confirmed by the majority of the messaging.

The overall goal is to dissolve challenging personal and communal karma while we seek strength and guidance in creating a new chapter for ourselves as individuals and for our world.

Chakras The Spiritual Growth Highway with JoAnn Wormuth

"Chakras- Your Spiritual Growth Highway" w/JoAnn Wormuth

October 19, 2023 – October 26, 2023 at 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

ZOOM Mtg- Get link when you register

Chakras form our energy anatomy. When clear of blockages, they keep us healthy and balanced. JoAnn Wormuth, Master Energy Healer, leads us to discover the meaning and purpose of each chakra. We will learn to address & clear any impurities in our own energy system. There will be energy exercises & as well as self-discovery and healing meditations.

This class meets a requirement for the Healing Practitioner Program, however you don't need to be in the program to take the class. Open to all levels of interest and intuitive development.


Magdalene Meditation Circle with Dale Capristo

October 19, 2023 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

ZOOM Meeting

Magdalena Healing is a global movement dedicated to the rise of the Divine Feminine in balance with the Divine Masculine.

Path of the Magdalene Meditation sessions are an opportunity to join together monthly on line and /or in person to activate the healing frequencies of Mary Magdalene in your own life. Mary Magdalene embodied the highest qualities of the Divine, unshakeable faith, unwavering courage, love in action. Each month a quality of Mary Magdalene; faith, tenderness, intelligence, is explored and activated.


Halloween Spirit Fest

At Crumhorn Coffee House

Sunday, October 29, 2023 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM 

2515 State Hwy 28

Oneonta, NY 13820


Psychic Readings! Through the Veil with ISD! 

"What's in that Crystal Ball for Me?"

Is the wind of your life changing directions? At a crossroads? Consult a tried and true ISD Psychic Medium, during this magical Halloween time, while the veil is thin, to see what your spirit guides & departed loved ones are trying to show you that would help you with your life path. Only $35 for both a 20 minute reading and signature drink w/goody from the bakery at Crumhorn!


Check out our October 2023 events calendar for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook, to see our events, guided meditations and homilies posted there. October event calendar  HERE

Prayer Warriors

Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now.

Each day at 5 PM EST, we will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all. You do not have to be present each day to be part of the prayer/healing team.

If you would like to be part of the Prayer Warriors, or have a request for healing please email our Healing Program director, JoAnn Wormuth at joannwormuth@gmail.com an she will add you to the team, and/or the prayer list.

Our Astrological Forecast

Connie’s Celestial Conversations


(Oct 17-24)

We are in the midst of a very active time, with the 2 eclipses, multiple YOD formations, and Pluto resuming direct motion. Much that has been stagnant is triggered. There has already been a huge disturbance in the Middle East. There may have been some startling developments for you, varying from what you would call good to bad. Reactions of individuals and groups will vary greatly, depending on the love quotient carried in within the energy field. 

I received an image and a guiding wisdom in an ISD group meditation recently that may help you. The image was of an egg with very large cracks forming in the shell. The guiding words were, "You are not breaking, you're hatching." I took that to mean each of us will be transforming and transmuting to a better version of ourselves, even if events seem very challenging. There are energies each of us carries that cannot go with us into the Aquarian Age. There are burdens of memory and trauma that we are invited to upgrade to a more loving interpretation. The next eclipse on 10/28/23 will assist you with helpful changes.

Asteroid JUNO moves into Virgo on 10/17. Due to a retrograde interval this will be a long, almost 10 month, transit until 8/24/24.

JUNO is the 3rd asteroid discovered in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. She is fiercely devoted and loyal. She dislikes inequities. The transit in Virgo will help with multi-tasking all the details of the many changes we will be presented with in the next year. She will be working in that capacity for a long time since she will move into justice and balance loving Libra in August 2024.

MERCURY moves into Scorpio on 10/22 until 11/10. 

There is likely to be an intensity of thinking and expression during this transit. Investigation and research is enhanced. 

There will be a stellium in Scorpio of the Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Ceres in the next several weeks, with the second eclipse on the Scorpio/Taurus axis. All things considered, you may wish to exercise caution since this series of placements may create a great deal of movement and intense feelings.

The SUN moves into Scorpio on 10/23. This is a strong sign with little that is ambiguous about it. The ruling planet is Pluto and Uranus is the  exalted planet. Whatever Scorpio is involved in gets a huge boost of emphasis and resourceful creativity. A caution is to avoid vindictiveness. With the stellium and eclipse happening, that is especially true now!

There is a powerful, positive day on 10/24. The sky is dominated by wonderful aspects. These all happen on a Friday, which is over lighted by beneficent VENUS.

There are two YOD formations. This is the last in a series of YOD'S, or Finger of God aspects that have recurred often since July.

The first is:

 Neptune(Pisces)  sextile Uranus(Taurus with the apex in the formation being the Moon's South Node(Libra). This will potentially help you bring forth the best of your skills and abilities from your soul level to aid in a surprising, mystical way. Your imagination will enhance the process as well. The signs and planets involved point toward some wonderful developments with a positive esoteric flare.

The second YOD is:

SUN(Scorpio) sextile LILITH and JUNO in an exact conjunction(Virgo) with NEPTUNE(Pisces) as the apex planet.

This is a formation that will likely point to some detail of imbalance of the feminine aspect in each of us and our societies that is ready for  expression and activation. Neptune indicates a magical connotation that will help us immensely.

Also present are TRINES involving two pairs of conjunct planets; Sun/Mercury trine Saturn/Moon.

A GRAND TRINE between Vesta, Sun/Mercury, and Saturn/Moon.

A KITE formation between the Sun, Venus, asteroid Pholus, and Jupiter. A Kite aspect speaks of freedom. Asteroid Pholus is a Centaur in orbit between Saturn and Neptune. It can be a guide in healing the separation from your divine self. This Kite also features our solar star and the two most benefic planets.

Take heart that in this time of upheaval and almost constant change, the planetary dance is presenting multiple aspects that are positive to accompany the two eclipses in October. May they help you find your Godspeed.

(Oct 25-31)

This week has one event of note. A LUNAR ECLIPSE in Taurus on Saturday October 28th at 4:24 pm EST.

This will be the last eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis in this 18 month cycle. The Moon in Taurus emphasizes our connections to Earth and the natural world. Simplicity is a theme that may arise. Joy in a quiet, steady part of your life, something you have always been able to count on, but perhaps has gone under appreciated up to now? Taurus is reliable in a slow, but steady way. Possessions are a theme. During an eclipse cycle in Taurus you may be guided to look at what you have in a new light. Taurus may also point out to you places where you are stubborn. We will discuss this trait a bit further in a moment.

If you have planets in Taurus or Scorpio they will probably be activated by the eclipse. So too will the houses that Taurus, the North Node, and the Moon occupy in your natal chart.

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus and the Moon is exalted in this sign. Let us take a look at the aspecting planets on this powerful day. There is great opportunity present.

Venus in Virgo is trine both Uranus and Jupiter. This involves the most beneficial aspect with the two most beneficial planets, all in Earth signs. Venus and Jupiter are beaming wonderful energy with the added bonus of the sudden developments associated with Uranus. There is every reason to expect fantastic movement and progress in your soul growth. 

Aiding this potential is the involvement of the Moon's North Node nearby in Aries. The enthusiasm and initiative power of Aries is perfect here. Remember that the North Node is about your greatest talents and ambitions coming to fruition, what you were most hoping to achieve in this lifetime.

An eclipse happens when the Sun and Moon fall within approximately 10° of arc to the nodes of the Moon. That is a large part of what makes an eclipse so potentially powerful. Your North and South Nodes of the Moon are very personal to you and your life contract with your soul. This eclipse has every possibility to be very fortunate for you. 

Many planets are in supporting aspects. There is a stellium in Taurus with the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus. There is also a stellium in Scorpio with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars. 

Now let us examine Pluto's alignment to the eclipsing Sun and Moon. The aspect is a square. Pluto has resumed direct motion in Capricorn now. You have undoubtedly been presented with some of your shadow characteristics during the many years of Pluto's transit in Capricorn. Now is your chance for the breakthrough you have been working toward and hoping for.

It has much supportive energy now. The improvement may be surprising in some way and/or it may be easier than you can imagine. Ease and grace is possible here with Uranus, the planet of sudden surprises, trine Pluto. Resistance will not serve very well at this point.

Saturn has a role to play as well. Remember that I have encouraged you to think of Saturn as your favorite teacher, rather than a taskmaster. Saturn really knows you can succeed, and wants you to! On eclipse day Saturn is sextile the Moon and its North Node, and trine the Sun. Both aspects are bringing Saturian energy into the mix in a very positive way.

Let us come back to the tendency toward stubbornness in Taurus. This trait can work for or against you. If you will be stubborn, let it be toward your dreams and ambitions. Apply an unshakeable belief in your ability to succeed. Know also, that if you are resistant to make some needed change, there is likely a real fear present regarding the subject. Use all of these beneficial aspects to ease your fears. Love them and understand them.

This is the last eclipse on the axis of Taurus and Scorpio in the 18 month cycle. Use this opportunity to ease your burden and enjoy that which you already possess.

The next eclipse cycle is on the Aries and Libra axis. The youthful enthusiasm and drive of Aries is partnered with the balance, justice, and fairness of Libra. It supports a new more benevolent world which, of course, includes you!

May this eclipse series help you find your Godspeed.

What is the Institute for Spiritual Development?

It's both a metaphysical church and an educational center originally founded 40 yrs ago in Sparta, NJ. With the belief that all paths lead us Home, ISD is dedicated to helping each spirit walk their path with courage and joy.

We stand for each individual’s right to seek their own personal Truth, as they respect the same right for others. We honor the sacred texts of all traditions of the Light

The Oneonta NY chapter of ISD was Lovingly created by Rev. Diana Friedell & her sister Rev. Sue Landon. We are now led by a powerful leadership team, and executive board.

ISD is a spiritual community that focuses on healing and intuitive connection, and the joy of finding the spirit connection within rather than being told how it should or could be experienced.

We welcome those who want to belong to a spiritual group of like-minded people, in which you can explore and find your own path in a community of love and support.

There are classes, services, events, and a sense of community and fellowship. Energy healing and intuitive messages are delivered as a regular part of the worship service. Classes offer many tools which will help you on your life path, and the community we are creating together is one of openness and acceptance, and the ability to adapt with change and growth.

Welcome Home!!!

We could use your help. If you would like to volunteer to help with our Metaphysical Library, event planning, service planning, website, office tasks, or anything else- Just call or email! Diana!

Did you know that there are other ISD chapters?

It all began with ISD Sparta NJ!

Now there are also chapters in, Washington DC, Treasure Coast Fla, and of course....right here in Oneonta NY.

We would ALL like to welcome you to our new Institute for Spiritual Development Facebook group:

Like and Follow on Facebook

Institute for Spiritual Development International

Together we shine love and light to souls around the country and around the world with education, metaphysical services, healing and community.

We support YOU in your quest to explore, build, and develop your own spiritual connection

Got Bottles & Cans to return?

ISD has a CLYNK account at Hannaford in Oneonta. 

How can I help? 

Email Tom Landon at tflandon51@gmail.com and he will give you a time to pick up stickers at our new ISD headquarters.

Take one to put on each bag that you are bringing to Hannaford- Ask someone there where the bags go. With that correct tag on it, the bottle deposit money goes directly into the ISD Oneonta Account.

Kimberly Winsor

Rev. Story Ducey

Rev. Diana Friedell

ISD Oneonta Board of Director

Kimberly Winsor - President

Jo Ann Wormuth- Vice President

Tom Landon-Secretary

Sali Dellysse - Treasurer

Connie Lull-


Susan Owens -


Christene Springle - Trustee

Story Ducey -

Ex-Officio Member

Sherry Barton


Carol Callahan


Diana Friedell - ex officio

Our ISD Leadership

Diana Friedell - Pastor, Co-Director

Story Lucile Ducey, Co-Director

Adult Education/Programming Chair

Ministry Training Program

JoAnn Wormuth – Healing Program Director

Carla Finn- Newsletter Editor

Tami Barrows- Administrative Assistant

Amy Gallop- Social Media

Visit our Website
Sign up for ISD Newsletter

Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center.

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