April 25, 2024

ISC Welcomes New President Michael Carson

ISC has a new president! We’re so pleased to welcome Michael Carson as the third president in our organization’s 51-year history. Michael, who relocated to Jonesborough from the Washington, D.C. area earlier this month, was born in Chicago and has extensive leadership and fundraising experience in the U.S., France, and Africa. Watch this space in the coming months for more about Michael and his vision for ISC.

Storytelling Scene Report from Central Ohio

Frequently featured storyteller and ISC board member Lyn Ford reports live from her home state, Ohio, about a successful community-building storytelling project. ARISE pairs senior citizens and high school students for a feel-good collaboration that builds intergenerational ties, alleviates isolation, and helps kids prepare for college.

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Save a Seat at Storytelling Live

We're days away from the official season launch of Storytelling Live, ISC's artist-in-residence program. Here's a sneak peek of the tellers joining us this month.

Michael Reno Harrell, April 30 - May 4

Heather Forest, May 7-11

Andy Offutt Irwin, May 14-18

Jasmin Cardenas, May 21-25

Learn more about these performers on ISC's website.

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FOSL Last Call

The 2024 Storytelling Live season is almost here! The best way to experience the season and support ISC's work is by becoming a Friend of Storytelling Live. We offer five different levels of support, each with special perks and privileges.

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We are the International Storytelling Center

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ISC is proud to produce world-class storytelling events alongside applied storytelling programming and educational resources. You are an integral part of our movement to build a better world through the power of storytelling. Consider showing some love by making a one-time gift or becoming a regular donor today.

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In association with the Smithsonian Institution.

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