In the newsletter

  • Welcome from SIG Co-Chairs
  • Featured Article
  • ISBNPA 2024 - See you in Omaha!
  • Recent e-&mHealth Publications

Your Co-chair

Mavra Ahmed, PhD

Department of Nutritional Sciences

Joannah and Brian Lawson Centre for Child Nutrition

University of Toronto, Canada

Dear e- & mHealth SIG members,

As golden days give way to balmy nights, summer delights with its vibrant sights – especially those that you will encounter at the ISBNPA Annual Meeting 2024!

In this newsletter, say hello to our newest member Janis Fiedler and his research on personalized physical activity interventions. We also give highlights of the e-&mHealth sessions, a sneak peek into an exciting event during our SIG business meeting and provide you with news of our most recent e-&mhealth publications. Congratulations to everyone for a productive year, and especially to those who have been short-listed for our top oral and poster presentation awards, we look forward to your presentations!!

For those of you who can't make the conference or the planned events, you can keep up to date with e- &mHealth content by following us on twitter. If those in attendance could help out by using our hashtag #isbnpa_emh in your tweets, that would be great. We are also recruiting for leadership positions. Please let us know if you are interested in joining the e-&mHealth SIG!


Take a moment and enjoy our newsletter!

Featured Article


Let’s meet the first author of this article, recently published in Journal of Health Psychology, and learn more about his interests: 


Dr Janis Fiedler, PhD


Twitter: @FieJanis

Tell us a little about yourself. 

I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. I completed my PhD in mHealth interventions to enhance physical activity at the end of 2022. Since then, I have broadened my research focus to include performance diagnostics, fitness, and body composition as the foundation for individualized physical activity interventions. I greatly enjoy creating plots in R and am working towards fostering a culture of open science.

How did the paper idea come up? 

The idea for the paper emerged from a peer-to-peer mentoring program. Caroline approached me to see if I was interested in collaborating to combine her expertise in psychology with my knowledge of physical activity. We self-taught multilevel modelling and this collaboration resulted in the creation of three papers.

3 key takeaways from your paper? 

  • Everyday physical activity is not associated with valenced affect in individuals with higher body weight.
  • This finding contradicts the common message propagated in many physical activity programs, which often advocate 'move more and you will feel better'.
  • Energetic arousal and calmness are bidirectionally related to physical activity and may be important variables to consider when tailoring future just-in-time adaptive interventions.

What tips do you have for future researchers who would like to engage in this topic? 

Be curious and collaborate to broaden your perspective. No one is expected to know everything, and learning becomes easier and significantly more enjoyable when done in a team.

What did you learn from this paper that will inform your future work? 

I learned that we need to do a better job at understanding the factors that make physical activity enjoyable in populations that would benefit from it the most.

Besides this paper, what else have you been up to recently? 

Currently, I am collaborating with several researchers on publications that explore mHealth in families, physical fitness, and body composition across various age groups. We are also examining the impact of lockdowns in Germany on children's quality of life. In addition to this, I have begun co-supervising my first PhD student, a role I find immensely rewarding.

Would you like to be featured in the next newsletter? Let us know! Email:

e-&mHealth at ISBNPA 2024

Who is excited to see everyone in Omaha? We ARE!  Please see below for opportunities to connect.

SIG Pre-conference Workshop

WS. 1.02: Monday, May 20th, 8:30am-12:30pm, Room 212: Challenges and Opportunities to the Design, Implementation, Evaluation, and Scale-Up of Digital Interventions Targeting Children and Families: A Multiple Case Study Perspective

Additional details can be found here: LINK


SIG Business Meeting


Tuesday, May 21st, 12:00PM-1:15PM, Room 210Please Join us at our upcoming e-&mHealth business meeting where we will explore the impact of e-&mHealth on users through a collaborative activity.

Oral and Poster Presentation Award Finalists 

It is our great pleasure to congratulate our shortlisted awardees for ISBNPA best oral and poster presentation for their outstanding contributions to the field of e-&mHealth research. All abstract submissions were independently scored by a team of reviewers. 


Each shortlisted presentation will be presented during the sessions listed below. 

Oral Presentations – Monday, May 20th, 5:15-6:30pm, Room 212.

  • Weaver R., Ghosal R., Cepni A., Finnegan O., White J., Parker H., Brukart S., Beets M., Brown D., Pate, R., de Zambotti M., Welk G., Nelakuditi S., Wang Y., Armstrong B., Adams E., Zhu Z., Savidge M., Niako N. Predicting physical activity energy expenditure from consumer wearable accelerometry and heart rate data in children
  • Prochnow T., Wang W., Wang S., Li J., Intille S., Hedeker D., Dunton G. Understanding ecological momentary assessment compliance in a 12- month multi-measurement burst sampling design in the TIME study 
  • Fu L., Zhe S., Bai Y. Which health-related behaviors are critical to mental health among college students: a machine learning approach


Poster Presentations- Wednesday, May 22nd, 11:00-11:55am, Ballroom C.

  • Timm et al., How physical behavior, affective well-being, and social contact are linked in real-life: An ambulatory assessment study
  • Evers et al., Environmental Influence on mHealth Engagement: Unveiling Pathways to Sustainable Health Behavior Change



Monday, May 20th

8:30am – 12:30pm Workshop WS.1.05, Room 215 – Apps, Portals, and Platforms: Leveraging Technology to Advance Behavioral and Community Health Research – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Developing and Rolling out Health Technologies


Tuesday, May 21st

4:45pm-6:00pm Symposia S.1.08, Room 212 – Digital Food Choice Environments – Can the shift to shopping food online be used to promote healthy and sustainable choices?


3:00pm - 4:15pm - Orals SO.1.08, Room 212 - The feasibility and usability of digital health measurement and intervention tools. 


Wednesday, May 22nd


11:00am – 11:55am – Poster session P2.10, Ballroom C - E- & mHealth


12:00pm – 1:15pm – Short orals SOLB2, Room 211 - Latest findings in behavior change science, part 1


3:00pm – 4:15pm - Orals O.2.23, Room 215  Understanding the effectiveness and efficacy of digital health interventions.


Will you be presenting your work at ISBNPA 2024? Share with us @ISBNPA_emh 

Recent e-&mHealth Publications

Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour


1.     Alley, S. J., Schoeppe, S., Moore, H., To, Q. G., van Uffelen, J., Parker, F., Duncan, M. J., Schneiders, A., & Vandelanotte, C. (2024). The moderating effect of social support on the effectiveness of a web-based, computer-tailored physical activity intervention for older adults. Journal of Health Psychology, 13591053241241840. LINK TO FULL TEXT

2.     Braun, M., Carlier, S., De Backere, F., Van De Velde, M., De Turck, F., Crombez, G., & De Paepe, A. L. (2024). Identifying app components that promote physical activity: a group concept mapping study. PeerJ,12, e17100. LINK TO FULL TEXT

3.     Di Martino, G., Della Valle, C., Centorbi, M., Buonsenso, A., Fiorilli, G., Calcagno, G., Iuliano, E., & di Cagno, A. (2024). Enhancing Behavioural Changes: A Narrative Review on the Effectiveness of a Multifactorial APP-Based Intervention Integrating Physical Activity. International journal of environmental research and public health, 21(2), 233. LINK TO FULL TEXT

4.     Jiang, S., Ng, J. Y., Chong, K. H., Peng, B., & Ha, A. S. (2024). Effects of eHealth Interventions on 24-Hour Movement Behaviors Among Preschoolers: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of medical internet research, 26, e52905. LINK TO FULL TEXT

5.     Sañudo, B., Sanchez-Trigo, H., Domínguez, R., Flores-Aguilar, G., Sánchez-Oliver, A., Moral, J. E., & Oviedo-Caro, M. Á. (2024). A randomized controlled mHealth trial that evaluates social comparison-oriented gamification to improve physical activity, sleep quantity, and quality of life in young adults. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 72, 102590. LINK TO FULL TEXT

6.     Sequí-Domínguez, I., Cavero-Redondo, I., Álvarez-Bueno, C., López-Gil, J. F., Martínez-Vizcaíno, V., & Pascual-Morena, C. (2024). Effectiveness of eHealth Interventions Promoting Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of medical internet research, 26, e41649.LINK TO FULL TEXT


Diet & Nutrition 


1.     Manaf, Z. A., Rosli, M. H. M., Noor, N. M., Jamil, N. A., Mazri, F. H., & Shahar, S. (2024). Exploring dietitians’ views on digital nutrition educational tools in Malaysia: a qualitative study. Nutrition Research and Practice,18(2), 294-307. LINK TO FULL TEXT

2.     Reina, A. M., Beer, J. M., Renzi-Hammond, L. M., Zhang, D., & Padilla, H. M. (2024). Mind Your Heart: A Mindful Eating and Diet Education eHealth Program. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 56(1), 54-65. LINK TO FULL TEXT

3.     Schaafsma, H. N., Jantzi, H. A., Seabrook, J. A., McEachern, L. W., Burke, S. M., Irwin, J. D., & Gilliland, J. A. (2024). The impact of smartphone app–based interventions on adolescents’ dietary intake: a systematic review and evaluation of equity factor reporting in intervention studies. Nutrition Reviews, 82(4), 467-486. LINK TO FULL TEXT

4.     Wunsch, K., Fiedler, J., Hubenschmid, S., Reiterer, H., Renner, B., & Woll, A. (2024). An mHealth Intervention Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating in a Family Setting (SMARTFAMILY): Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 12, e51201. LINK TO FULL TEXT

Don't see your recent publication listed? Let us know! Email:

Stay up to date: Follow us!

Keep up to date on recent e- & mHealth publications and happenings within the SIG by following us on our various platforms.

X: @ISBNPA_emh 

Feel free to tag us and we will try to share your publication as well!!

Spread the Word!

Encourage your colleagues to sign up for our SIG newsletter! 

You or your colleagues can join this mailing list by updating your membership profile and adding the SIG to your preferences or by sending an email to António Palmeira <>

2024 SIG Committee Members

  • Co-chair: Mavra Ahmed (Canada) and Claire Gough (Australia) 
  • Secretary: Amanda Staiano (USA)
  • Social Media: Chen-Chia Pan (Germany), Irina Timm (Germany), Hannes Baumann (Germany)
  • Newsletter: Zenong Yin (USA), Jasmine Petersen (Australia), Ben Singh (Australia), Janis Fiedler (Germany)
  • Events/Awards: Maria Vasiloglou (Switzerland)
  • Membership: Bridve Sivakumar (Canada)
  • Past Chairs: Andre Muller (Singapore), Camille Short (Australia)
  • Fellows: Carol Maher (Australia), Corneel Vandelanotte (Australia)