September 2021
Provider eConnection
IPN News and Events
that you don't want to miss!

IPN has been working to improve the electronic recredentialing packet send-out process. The new process includes sending a separate email for each provider that is due for recredentialing. Emails will be sent to the credentialing contact on file. A copy of the recredentialing application will be attached as a PDF document rather than embedded in the email.

The new process alleviates manual work, and is a big time saver for all involved. Due to the need to test this new process, November recredentialing send-outs were delayed. IPN continues to iron out the wrinkles in the process so continued patience is appreciated during this time.

In preparation for the new directory requirements embedded in the No Surprises Act, IPN has added two new data elements to its Provider Information form:

  • Office Email
  • Web Address
Please complete these fields when submitting requests to IPN. To review a high level summary of the No Surprises Act created by the American Medical Association, click here.

IPN and Moda Health (Moda) previously announced the termination of its network relationship effective September 30, 2021. IPN and Moda have decided to extend the partnership through December 31, 2021 to allow more time for direct contracting and a smoother employer group transition.

For providers in Ada, Adams, Canyon, Gem, Idaho, Owyhee, Payette and Washington counties: For providers who completed and executed a contract with Moda, no further action is required. For providers who have not been contacted, be sure to contact Moda to begin the contracting process and avoid being out of network.

For providers outside of Ada, Adams, Canyon, Gem, Idaho, Owyhee, Payette and Washington counties: IPN network discounts will continue to be utilized through December 31, 2021. Out of network status will not apply until January 1, 2022.

For more information, see the attached FAQs.

Provider's should already be aware of the relationship between Cigna and IPN coming to an end on June 30, 2022. Cigna began communications with affected providers to start the contracting and credentialing process. For any office not contacted, be sure to email for more information.

Direct contracts with Cigna will be effective 7/1/2022 for Idaho providers, but may be earlier for those in Malheur County, OR. IPN reimbursements and services will be used until the new effective date is implemented with Cigna. See Talking Points for more about the change.

Click here to see a list of terminated groups for which IPN is processing run-out claims. Be sure to submit claims before the run-out period ends! For additional information about the terminated groups, contact the payor listed on the patient's ID card.
Payor News


Read FAQs related to Benefit and Reimbursement Policies: Benefit and Reimbursement Policy.

General Information

For news, tools, and key resources, visit


Read Cigna's interim billing guidelines and FAQs here.

Policy & Reimbursement Updates

Cigna routinely reviews coverage, reimbursement, and administrative policies for potential updates. In that review, Cigna takes into consideration one or more of the following: Evidence-based medicine (EBM), professional society recommendations, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) guidance, industry standards, and our other existing policies. Below is one policy that will be changing:

  • Emergency Room Services (R36): Cigna will update the way professional claims for emergency room (ER) evaluation and management (E&M) services submitted with Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes 99284 and 99285 are processed. Effective for claims processed on or after November 14, 2021, Cigna will adjust CPT codes 99284 and 99285 and reimburse them as 99283 when claims are submitted with a noncomplex singular diagnosis (on claims without any secondary diagnoses). This applies to claims that indicate that the customer was discharged from the ER. Denials will include administrative appeal rights.
For more information about reimbursement policies, log in to the Cigna for Health Care Professionals website ( > Resources > Reimbursement and Payment Policies > Reimbursement and Modifier Policies > Reimbursement Policies.

Prior Authorization for Medical Oncology Clinical Trials: Effective August 27, eviCore healthcare (eviCore) will begin managing outpatient prior authorization requests for pediatric and adult patients enrolling in a medical oncology clinical trial. Cigna currently manages these requests. The change was originally scheduled to occur on August 13, but was recently rescheduled to August 27. This change is part of a comprehensive oncology clinical trials management solution that promotes affordability, predictability, and simplicity. Earlier this year, as another part of the solution, eviCore enhanced the prior authorization process for outpatient oncology cases to include a search of the National Cancer Institute’s clinical trial database to help match patients to clinical trials.
Just for Fun
Castle Rocks State Park
Minnetonka Cave
Nez Perce - Clearwater National Forests
Ponderosa State Park
Redfish Lake
Roaring Springs Water Park
Shoshone Falls
Silverwood Theme Park
Yellowstone Bear World
Zoo Boise
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