It’s a new year -- with continued challenges for all health care facilities in Maryland -- especially dealing with the challenges an ongoing pandemic presents. In this month’s newsletter, we aim to assist you in protecting the people you serve and your staff from unnecessary exposures to certain chemicals used as disinfectants and pesticides. According to current science, these pesticides can worsen pandemic-related symptoms and vulnerabilities. 

First, the official release of a first-in-the-country website dedicated to helping you discern safer vs. increased risk disinfectants prior to their purchase and use. has been vetted by experts, including at the national organization Health Care Without Harm -- you may be a member. (And if you aren’t a member, take a look at their website to see all they offer health care facilities!)

We also have 3 new or updated IPM in Health Care Facilities resources, enjoy!
Launching New Safer Disinfectants Website
Check out our brand new
Protect your patients and staff from both COVID-19 infection AND the hazardous impacts of pesticide-registered disinfectants.
Look up the products you're using to see if the active ingredient is
a hazardous chemical with an increased risk to you and patients.
Find effective safer products to replace hazardous ones.
Let us know you visited the site, leave us a comment, join the emailing list.
More NEW IPM Resources on Safer vs. Increased Risk
Hot off the press! Two Essential Documents to Assist You in Providing Important Guidance to You Pest Control Vendor

Our just-updated chart, Increased Risk Pesticides & Adverse Health Impacts gives you the facts on pesticides that are often used in health care facilities and the potential adverse health hazards they pose -- to your patients, as well as staff.

Our new Least-Toxic Products & Pest Pressures Fact Sheet guides your vendor on how best to address pest pressures while also ensuring you are protecting patients/residents and staff from unnecessary hazardous exposures.
There’s more!
Check out the new IPM in Health Care Facilities brochure for an overview of how a defined, prioritized IPM approach to pest management is especially critical -- and achievable -- for your facility. This is even more important during the pandemic as certain pesticide exposures can weaken a pandemic patient’s already compromised immune system and can exacerbate respiratory symptoms. This fact sheet also provides information on the pro bono services available to you.
Joe Griffin's Winning EVS Playbook
Latest Tips from Joe
Joe Griffin had a 16-year tenure at Sheppard Pratt and a total of
35+ years of Senior Level Facility Support Operations experience.
Joe is a consultant to the IPM in Health Care Facilities Project.

Tip #1:
"Your vendor logbook entries should regularly include recommendations for improving pest prevention
re: housekeeping and maintenance needs and list any
least-toxic pesticides used, when non-toxic efforts are exhausted.
Per visit, vendor reports should be expedited back to the TVS office with updates
and recommended action plan, to resolve any pending pest issues.

Tip #2:
"Check out our IPM in Health Care Facilities Project brochure to help
you understand how a prioritized IPM program takes into account
a growing body of science on pesticides and health impacts."
It differs from earlier IPM programs to ensure that facilities "first do no harm."

Tip #3:
"When contracting or renewing a contract with a pest control vendor, be sure to review their background in the industry closely,
reaching out to references they provide."
Do they have a track record for embracing and successfully implementing a prioritized IPM program where non-chemical preventive strategies and interventions are prioritized and least-toxic pesticides are only used as a last resort? Safety officers at your facility should be part of facility pest management/landscaping meetings, coordinated by the EVS director, and take place monthly or at least quarterly. The goal for both facility and pest control vendor should be the absolute need to keep the facility both pest and pesticide-free.
Spring is Coming! Watch "Solving Weed, Turf &
Landscape Issues" Webinar
Kevin Wengernuk, of KW Landscaping, successfully provides organic land care on Maryland's State House grounds! Learn Kevin's proven techniques for reducing and eliminating pesticides and maintaining healthy turf and landcare.
Solving Weed, Turf & Landscape
  • Learn Kevin's techniques for healthy pest-free grounds
  • Maintain beautiful turf and grounds that resist disease
FREE on-demand webinars to improve your EVS success
from Dr. Tom Green, IPM Institute of North America
Our webinar series is available to you and your staff when you are.
Lunch & learn! Most webinars are just 20 minutes long.
Solving Insect Pests
in Health Care Facilities
  • Reduce 60% of your insect problems with one simple fix
  • Non-toxic strategies to eliminate bugs without poisons
Strategies for Preventing & Solving
Rodent Problems
  • Eliminate rodents as a source of disease in the facility or home
Strategies for Housekeeping & Maintenance Professionals Working in Health Care
  • Learn the best practices to prevent and solve pest problems
Questions? Contact Carolyn at
The IPM in Health Care Facilities Project promotes safer pest and weed management best practices that are effective and protect the public and environment. Exposure to harmful pesticides can cause or exacerbate the very issues for which patients/residents are being treated. Especially during this challenging pandemic, we keep you updated on important news and research related to COVID-19 issues — from least toxic disinfectants to pesticides that do/do not exacerbate coronavirus symptoms. We support your efforts ensuring a protected and toxic-free environment for your facility and those you serve —
and ALL our IPM in Health Care Facilities Project services are FREE.
For more information, 
on our always free services
contact the 
IPM in Health Care
Facilities Project