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In this newsletter

  • Oklahoma 59th Legislature Activities
  • IOU EEPR's Filed
  • Senate Interim Charges Published
  • Local Policy Actions
  • Upcoming Events and Webinars
  • SPEER Resources
  • What We’re Reading/Hearing
  • Job Opportunities

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Oklahoma 59th Legislature Activities

The second half of the 59th Oklahoma Legislative session began on February 5th and will continue until Sine Die on May 31st. SPEER is reviewing bills and following bill movement throughout the session. Our bill tracking list can be found on the SPEER Policy page for Oklahoma here.

Bills on the Move

House Bills

HB 2367 Corporation Commission; exemptions; discussion; attendance; documentation; scheduled meetings; effective date – Reported Do Pass as amended Energy and Telecommunications Committee; CR Filed on 4/4/2024

HB 3053 Energy; requiring Secretary of Energy and Environment to evaluate relationship of the Southwest Power Pool and the state; requiring preparation of certain report; emergency -Reported Do Pass as amended Energy and Telecommunications Committee; CR Filed on 4/4/2024

HB 3819 Professions and occupations; Uniform Building Code Commission Act; definitions; vice-chair duties; Commission powers and duties; training; energy payback –Reported Do Pass as amended Business and Commerce Committee; CR Filed on 4/1/202

Senate Bills

SB 1505 Rebates; providing rebates for emission reduction projects; creating fund; effective date. Emergency – Referred to engrossment on 4/17/2024

SB 1535 Oklahoma Low Carbon Energy Initiative; modifying duties and membership of the Low Carbon Energy Initiative Board. Effective date – Sent to Governor 4/16/2024

SPEER is currently tracking legislation that pertains to our mission. Our tracking list will be uploaded weekly to the SPEER Policy Oklahoma page which can be found here. If you have any questions or would like to discuss pending legislation, please reach out to us!

IOU EEPR's Filed

On April 1st annually the Texas investor-owned utilities (IOU) are required to file their energy efficiency plan & report (EEPR) to the Public Utility Commission of Texas. This year, in Docket 56003, the IOUs submitted the EEPR’s for the 2024 calendar year. These EEPR’s provide information on historical demand reductions and energy savings, expenditures, and estimates for the following calendar year. SPEER maintains a spreadsheet which includes this data going back to the program’s inception. Every year, we dig into the numbers and review the upcoming program plans, new pilots, and studies to be performed. This year, we have written a blog reviewing this analysis that can be found here.  Demand-side management programs will continue to be imperative to provide enough power to Texas as load is expected to grow to between 90 and 152 gigawatts by 2030 according to ERCOT's regional planning group.

Quick Highlights:

In 2023, the IOUs reduced demand a total 568MWs on the system through these programs. They also achieved energy savings of 16,584,061 MWhs. The program budgets are expected to grow over the next two years to $141M in 2024 and $151M in 2025, barring any changes to the current rules at the PUCT. While many programs are anticipated to maintain existing measures into the 2024 and 2025 cycles, there are also a few new pilot programs and studies being developed to implement recent legislation and address needs for the state. 

Several IOU’s have signaled the development of smart thermostat programs, like Oncor’s Smart Thermostat Pilot Market Transformation Program and AEP’s Multi-Family Smart Thermostat Pilot Program. Entergy is also seeking to add more smart thermostats and other curtailable technologies into their territory.

Both Oncor and CenterPoint are using R&D funding to study the impact of EV charging in their respective territories. CenterPoint is also developing a market potential study for their region to determine electric energy and demand savings, as well as associated costs that can be achieved by demand-side management programs in 2025. 

These programs were discussed at the 2024 February EEIP meeting. The meeting broadcast recording can be viewed at:  

Senate Interim Charges Published

On April 11th the Texas Senate published their interim charges for Senate committees to research and review ahead of the 89th Legislative Session in 2025. Several items have been listed relating to Texas energy which will be considered in the Senate Business and Commerce Committee. Public hearings have been set for June 12th, August 27th, and October 1st.

Senate B&C Committee Charges:

Electricity Market Design - Assess state efforts to provide incentives for new thermal generation. Review and report on the state of the electricity market in Texas and issues impacting the reliability and resiliency of the Texas electric grid. Consider rulemaking related to wholesale market design, including the impact of these changes on grid reliability, market revenues, costs to consumers, and the efficiency of operations. Examine and report on the direct and indirect impacts that variable resources, such as wind and solar, have on grid resiliency, consumer prices, and market uncertainty. Monitor the implementation of House Bill 1500, 88th Legislature.

Texas Energy Fund - Review and report on the impact of Senate Bill 2627, the Powering Texas Forward Act, as passed by the 88th Legislature, which established the Texas Energy Fund (TEF) to provide grants and loans to finance the construction, maintenance, modernization, and operation of electric facilities in Texas. 

Innovative Power Generation - Explore emerging technologies with the potential to add new dispatchable power to our electric grid including, but not limited, to small modular nuclear reactors, advanced batteries, and new developments in hydrogen and geothermal resources. Identify and recommend regulatory and policy actions required to deploy emerging technologies within the state's electric grid. 

Transmitting Texas Power - Identify the future electric transmission and distribution system needs of the state and recommend ways to reduce barriers to constructing the necessary electric infrastructure to support the growing demand and changes in technology. Review and make any necessary recommendations to enhance legislation passed during the 88th legislative session, including the status of projects to improve the safety and resiliency of the transmission system, as well as the effect of current and future projects on consumer costs. 

Managing Texas Sized Growth - Evaluate the state's ability to keep pace with increasing electricity demand related to population growth and energy intensive technologies such as electric vehicles and data centers. Recommend ways to increase reliability via demand-side response programs. Study ERCOT's forecasting methodology and recommend ways to increase transparency. Monitor ongoing efforts at the Public Utility Commission related to energy efficiency programs and distributed energy resources, including the implementation of Senate Bill 1699, 88th Legislature. 

Impact of Bitcoin Mining on the Texas Electric Grid - Study the impact of energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining facilities on the Texas electric grid. Report on whether any changes should be made to ERCOT demand response programs and large flexible load registration requirements to limit the impact of these facilities on system reliability and consumer costs. 

Addressing the Rising Cost of Insurance - Assess the impact of rising property and casualty insurance costs on Texas property owners, real estate lenders, and commercial and industrial development. Identify ways to increase consumer transparency to better inform coverage decisions and make recommendations to ensure a competitive and affordable insurance market for consumers. 

Artificial Intelligence - Examine the development and utilization of artificial intelligence (AI). Evaluate the implications of AI adoption across the public and private sectors. Make recommendations for a responsible regulatory framework for AI development, including data privacy, industry standards, consumer protections, risk mitigation, and compliance processes. Propose any necessary changes to state law to protect the Texas radio, television, music, and film industries against unauthorized use by AI. Monitor the findings of the Texas Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council. 

Local Policy Updates

Recent and Upcoming Local Government Policy Actions: 

Austin: On April 22nd the Austin City Council approved issuance of a performance-based incentive to the Starwood Capital Group LLC for installation of solar electric systems on their facilities in the amount of $70,125.91. For more information, please see the Austin City Council Agenda page.

If you are aware of upcoming policy discussions or actions in your area and would like to share them in this newsletter, please send information to

Upcoming Events + Webinars

Powerhouse Texas: On April 30th Powerhouse Texas is holding its next Energy Innovation Forum at the Texas Capitol. This session is focused on addressing the critical need for more transmission buildout in Texas. As the Lone Star State continues to lead in energy production and innovation, the demand for reliable and efficient transmission infrastructure has never been more pressing. If interested in attending, please register here.

April 23 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CST

SPEER Webinar: Implications of EER Requirements on Heat Pump Adoption in Texas and Oklahoma: On April 23rd presenter Jonathan Moscatello with Daikin will review the efficiencies gained by variable speed heat pump systems, discuss EER issues that remain, and look forward to policy implications for this transformative technology. If you are interested in attending, please register here.

April 30 @ 11:30 am CST

ACEEE Webinar: On April 30th ACEEE is hosting a webinar entitled "2024 City Clean Energy Scorecard: Are Cities Living up to their Climate Commitments." As the primary drivers of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, cities are facing an urgent need to quickly take actions that will reduce their carbon footprint. Many have set ambitious targets to lower GHG emissions, increase renewable energy, electrify the buildings and transportation sectors, and to do so while advancing racial and social equity. But are cities’ leaders doing their part to meet these goals? They will discuss emerging trends in clean energy plans, policies, and programs across the country. Attendees will hear from officials in several leading cities about what they are already doing, and planning, to reduce energy use and GHG emissions, while simultaneously advancing racial and social equity. If you are interested in attending, please register here. 

Visit SPEER's calendar for all upcoming events and training.

SPEER Resources

SPEER has updated its State and Local Policy webpage! You can now find state-specific policy information including links to key state agency webpages, our previous public comments, and additional information about our work in both Texas and Oklahoma. You will also find our released reports, templates and materials for engaging with policy leaders, and additional materials on how our Policy Program interacts with the ongoing Heat Pump Working Group, our energy codes program, and SPEER's local government program. SPEER State and Local Policy.

What can you expect to find on our resource page?

  • SPEER Programs + informational flyers
  • Messaging guides
  • Public Utility Commission of Texas Comment Template
  • Heat pump resources

We have created a library of local government resolutions, energy plans & policy work, climate action plans, and resiliency initiatives. These documents are meant to be a resource and showcase the commitment made by local governments to create an equitable, safe, and economically stable future for Texas and Oklahoma citizens. Head over to dive in and bookmark the page as we will continually be expanding and adding new material. 

What We're Reading...

Water scarcity and clean energy collide in South Texas – Texas Tribune

As DOE updates how it sets energy efficiency standards, advocates, legislators push it to act faster  – Utility Dive

Equinor jumps into ERCOT market with 110 MW of merchant battery projects – Utility Dive

This new tool makes it easier to crunch the costs of energy upgrades – Canary Media

REPORT: Options for Decarbonizing Residential Space Heating in Cold Climates– ACEEE

PODCAST: A Texas Power Promise with Senator Nathan Johnson – The Texas Energy and Power Newsletter

Job Opportunities

The Mitchell Foundation - Program Associate

CGMF seeks a full-time Program Associate (PA) for the Clean Energy Program and the Subsurface Energy Program to provide program, research, and administrative support to the foundation’s energy programs at its office in Austin, Texas. For more information, check out the job description.

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