Week inAdvance
Monday | May 31, 2021
Mon May 31 U.S. markets closed for Memorial Day holiday. U.K. markets closed for Spring Bank holiday. | Tue Jun 1 WEF's jobs reset summit in Geneva. OPEC+ meeting on output. | Wed Jun 2 Green Swan Conference meets on coordinating climate financing. Fed's Beige Book. | Thu Jun 3 CFTC Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee meets. G20 infrastructure investors dialog. | Fri Jun 4 Yellen travels to London for a meeting of her G7 counterparts. Basel Committee meets. U.S. employment report for May.

All times are Eastern and subject to change.
save the date
Wednesday, Jun 9
INVESTORS cyber security industry update
11- 11:30 am

Thursday, Jun 10
INVESTORS market practices industry update
10:30 - 11 am

Come when you can. Leave when you have to. Take your calls.
at the agencies
Wednesday, Jun 2
The Beige Book: Summary of commentary on current economic conditions.

Thursday, Jun 3
CFTC'S Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee virtual public meeting to examine how derivatives markets can facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy, including the status of carbon reduction through cap-and-trade and other carbon trading market mechanisms. The EEMAC will also hear a staff presentation on recent events in the energy markets. Full details, including agenda, here.
on the hill

No hearings of note.
across the globe
Monday, May 31 -
Tuesday, Jun 1
PARIS, France (virtual)
On Monday, The OECD Economic Outlook will be presented, with the latest trends, analysis, and data for all G20 countries and the global economy. On Monday and Tuesday, heads of governments and ministers from OECD countries will meet for the OECD Council at Ministerial Level to analyze the present global economic situation, reflect on hard-learned lessons from the pandemic so far, and highlight the national and international priorities for the recovery.

Tuesday, Jun 1
VIENNA, Austria
OPEC+ meets to review oil production plans. The alliance is expected to continue reviving output as global demand recovers from the pandemic, but may rethink a July supply increase amid Iran nuclear talks.

Tuesday, Jun 1 -
Wednesday, Jun 2
GENEVA, Switzerland
World Economic Forum's Jobs Reset Summit will bring together world leaders and top business executives on how to shape a socio-economic Covid-19 recovery that benefits all. The meeting will build on the outcomes of the inaugural Jobs Reset Summit (October 2020) and the Davos Agenda Week (January 2021).

Wednesday, Jun 2 -
Friday, Jun 4
BASEL, Switzerland (virtual)
The Green Swan Conference - Coordinating finance on climate. The Bank for International Settlements, Bank of France, International Monetary Fund, and Network for Greening the Financial System will bring together key actors from the public and private sectors to discuss "How the financial sector can take immediate action against climate change-related financial risks?" Speakers include ECB President Christine Lagarde, former BOE central bank governor Mark Carney, BIS Chair Jens Weidmann, and People’s Bank of China Governor Yi Gang. On Friday, Fed Chair Jerome Powell will give a speech on central banks and climate change, which you can watch live here.

Wednesday, Jun 2 -
Saturday, Jun 5
The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum begins. Russian President Vladimir Putin will give the keynote speech.

Thursday, Jun 3
ROME, Italy (virtual)
G20 Infrastructure Investors Dialogue: Financing Sustainable Infrastructure for the Recovery will highlight existing initiatives and good practices of governments, the private sector, multilateral and national development banks, and international organizations in supporting private investor involvement in infrastructure and managing related risks, including those related to ESG.

Friday, Jun 4
BASEL, Switzerland
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision meets.

Friday, Jun 4 -
Saturday, Jun 5
The U.K. will host an in-person meeting of the Group of 7 finance ministers and central bank governors, who will be joined by representatives from European Commission, Eurogroup, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The meeting will seek to progress the chancellor’s G7 priorities of building a green and inclusive global economic recovery, protecting jobs, and supporting vulnerable countries to recover from the Covid pandemic. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will attend.
other events
Tuesday, Jun 1
The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins, the start of what forecasters are predicting will be an exceptionally raucous Atlantic hurricane season.

Wednesday, Jun 2 -
Thursday, Jun 3
International Monetary Fund policy implementation meeting (PIM) on crisis management. PIMs are attended by heads of departments/units or key technical experts within financial sector authorities to discuss specific policy or technical issues.

Friday, Jun 4
The U.S. May employment report comes on the heels of an unexpectedly weak April report. Economists expect some 620,000 jobs were added last month. The unemployment rate is forecast to fall to a still-elevated 5.9%.
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