I compare the timing of information acquisition among institutional investors and sell-side analysts, and I show that hedge fund trades predict the direction of subsequent analyst ratings change reports while other investors' trades do not. In addition, hedge funds reverse trades after analyst reports, while other investors follow the analysts. Finally, I show that hedge funds perform best among stocks with high analyst coverage. These results suggest that hedge funds have superior information acquisition skills, and that analysts assist hedge funds in exploiting information acquisition advantages."
A divided U.S. Senate sent a resolution to the president's desk killing a Labor Dept. regulation aimed at lightening federal restrictions for new municipally sponsored retirement savings plans for lower-income workers (Mar 30)
Lawmakers asked Treasury secretary to review the process FSOC uses to label non-bank institutions "too big to fail," saying the additional capital requirements and regulations are too onerous (Mar 28)
March 1: the introduction of new regulations covering the posting of collateral for variation margins; simple on the surface, but the details pose real challenges (Mar 27)
The Cyber Cafe
Cybersecurity news every Friday
How to design your cybersecurity portfolio
This is the second article in a series on building the right cybersecurity profile for your business
This 17th-century financial vehicle required investors to put equal amounts in a government fund in order to draw an annuity until their death. Agatha Christie, Robert Louis Stevenson and P.G. Wodehouse based murder plots on the concept. There's even a
Simpsons episode about it.