Week InReview
Friday | Mar 1, 2019
Redacted Manhattan and Vodka, Neat: Drinks for Mueller Report

Everyone has a preferred drink that goes with their reading material: a coffee with the morning paper, a glass of red with a novel at night.

But as anticipation ran high for the release of the Mueller Report on Thursday, bartenders and booze experts from across the U.S. prepared their own drinks to reflect whatever they expected the contents of the report to be.

Here, they’ve shared a few recommendations. Spoiler alert: There's a lot of Russian vodka.

Find the full searchable report, with Barr’s redactions, here .
in case you missed it...
The SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations published a “ risk alert” on Tuesday that lists compliance issues “intended to assist advisers and broker-dealers in providing compliant privacy and opt-out notices, and in adopting and implementing effective policies and procedures for safeguarding customer records and information.” (Bloomberg Law | Apr 17)

The new chief regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac said he takes the role with a “great sense of urgency” to address the biggest piece of unfinished business from the 2008 financial crisis: U.S. control of the mortgage-finance giants. (Bloomberg Politics | Apr 15)

“Flash Boys”-like trading manipulation is rampant on certain cryptocurrency exchanges, according to a  paper from researchers at Cornell Tech and several other universities. (Bloomberg Cryptocurrencies | Apr 15)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chair J. Christopher Giancarlo said the supplementary leverage ratio does not factor in the ability of outstanding derivatives contracts to offset one another, which reduces exposure to risk. "The current implementation of the supplementary leverage ratio is biased against derivatives," Giancarlo said. (Futures & Options World | Apr 17)

The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued a risk alert to broker-dealers and advisers saying they should review compliance with Regulation S-P, a privacy rule. The Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations has uncovered a significant number of privacy deficiencies during examinations. (ThinkAdvisor | Apr 17)
Volatility ahead?
Apr 16) — Questions are growing about whether foreign-exchange markets have gotten complacent and whether a  volatility explosion is just around the corner. Here's how to prepare if and when it does get going. There are also warning signs flashing on the dollar in the options market, with investors the  most pessimistic in a year on the outlook for the greenback. No such indications from the Treasury market, where yields are  back to where they were before all the Fed-induced anxiety took hold.
SEC delays call on NYSE plan to ease 'blank check' listing rules
(Apr 16) — The New York Stock Exchange will have to wait up to two more months to know whether it can ease continued listing standards for so-called blank check firms. The Securities and Exchange Commission, in a  notice issued April 15, pushed back its deadline for approving NYSE’s rule change until June 15 — almost eight months after receiving the proposal. The exchange is looking to lower the bar for special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) to stay publicly traded until they can combine with another firm.

Source: Bloomberg Government
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