TEXTILE and ART courses offering unique learning opportunities for all

In beautiful South Shropshire an area of outstanding natural beauty


'I got so much out of the Ben Nicholson course........simply BRILLIANT'

I had so many other similair comments about this course when I offered it on-line, but now am offering it once again as a face to face course, which I have also done in the past. It will be happening very soon, but would love some more support. Please do consider joining me on 29/30 July (Mon/Tues) for two full creative days.

LINK to book on this course

Here is some of the preparation work that I did for this course

We will start by examing some of his earlier works before moving onto his jugs and cups. Students will soon build up a small portfolio of ideas based on their studies. You will explore simple card print blocks and work onto both paper and fabric. The course allows plenty of scope for personal development and the exercises can later be applied to any source material. Ideas can also be explored through fabric and stitch.

Ben Nicholson is a favourite artist of mine and I am sure that you will enjoy this course. These next few images show his earlier 'white relief' work, but I have added colour to my designs.

These two pieces show how simple blocks have also been made from drawings of jugs and pots. Notice the suggestion of stitch drawn onto these designs.

Book HERE if interested in this course

Hope to see some of you at Moor Hall very soon.



Inspired by Line

Ben Nicholson

Inspired by Grids

On-line Courses

Short Courses


01547 510664

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