November 2020

  • Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Hughes Named Chair of AmericanHort
  • 2021 Virtual Events
  • Scholarship Applications Due December 8
  • Virtual ISU Shade Tree Short Course
  • 2021 Dues Thank You
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing all an abundance of
happiness, good health and blessings!
Hughes Named Chair of AmericanHort
Earlier this summer, AmericanHort elected three new members to their Board of Directors, along with the installation of a new slate of officers. Tom Hughes, President and Co-Owner of Hughes Nursery & Landscaping (HNL) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was named Chairman of the Board and began his term as chairman in July. Tom has previously served as President of Iowa Nursery & Landscape Association from 2010-2012.

HNL, a family business that started in 1908, is a landscape design/build firm and also grows 30 acres of B&B nursery stock. Tom, a fourth-generation nurserymen, graduated from Iowa State University with a Horticulture degree and minors in Business and Landscape Design. Tom and his wife Megan, a freelance writer, have two daughters and a son.

See the full press release.
2021 Virtual Events - Details to Come
Several of the annual events will be moving to an online format in February. It will be different, but we are excited to continue to offer these events virtually!

INLA Virtual Tradeshow - Vendors will share videos highlighting their products, services, or even their facilities! This digital platform will be accessible via a link on the INLA website. Information will be sent soon.

ICNP Online Training - Exam and training will take place online this year. Stay tuned for the official agenda.

INLA Annual Meeting - The annual meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. A link to the Zoom meeting will be posted on the Shade Tree Short Course and INLA sites. Anyone interested in attending is welcome to join the meeting. Details to come.

Dates and details are still to come, but the virtual events will be happening the week of February 22-26, 2021. Mark your calendars!
Scholarship Applications Due December 8
Each year, the Haber Scholarship and Community College Scholarships are awarded to selected Iowa State University and Iowa community college students in landscape architecture, horticulture or other green industry programs. INLA is pleased to be able to continue to offer the scholarships, especially in the current times.

The December 8 deadline for scholarship applications is quickly approaching. Please encourage eligible students to apply!

Applications and additional details are available online.
Virtual ISU Shade Tree Short Course
A note from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.

February 22-26, 2021 - Stay tuned for more details 

We are excited to announce that the 65th Annual Iowa State University Shade Tree Short Course (STSC) will still be taking place, but on a virtual platform. There will be more details to come as we continue to plan for this event.
We know many of you use the STSC to earn CEU’s and to prepare yourself for the year ahead. Therefore, we pledge to bring you speakers and topics that will be relevant and important for you to hear and learn from. 
Yes, the ISU Shade Tree Short Course will look slightly different this year, but we know you’ll still enjoy and profit from tuning in. 

Mark your calendars now and we’ll “see you” in February!

Watch the website to get updates. Shade Tree Course 2021
Information for dues renewal was sent in the mail In July. Contact the INLA home office if you have any questions or need any additional information.

Thank you to everyone who has paid their 2021 dues!
Jim Mason
Country Landscapes Inc.
Ames, IA

Kent Reimann
Country Landscapes Inc.
Ames, IA

Kelsey Johnson
HBK Engineering
Marion, IA
Wade Fleming
Meyers Nursery
Waterloo, IA

Joe Jenkins
Carlisle, IA

Jonathan Ismail
Dubuque, IA




View the INLA Green Industry Calendar online for information, links, and more
Did you miss an issue? See all 2020 issues here.