INGSA News December 2022

In this edition

  • Message from the President
  • Announcements
  • Opportunities
  • News from the Network
  • New Reports and Resources
Remi Quirion_400x400.jpg

To all INGSA Members and supporters,


As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank you for your continued involvement and reflect on the latest edition of the World Science Forum (WSF) hosted in Cape Town, where I had the opportunity to connect with some of you.

Under the theme of “Science for Social Justice”, I had the pleasure of participating in a plenary on the role of science in fighting poverty, unemployment, inequality, and exclusion. Along with my fellow plenary speakers, we highlighted initiatives from academies, governments, and international organisations. I also recalled the importance of working towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, namely education, as an overarching priority, and the need to promote the importance of scientific literacy in the public sphere.

Science journalism is a profession that promotes greater social justice worldwide, and the WSF is a unique opportunity for interactions with scientists, researchers, policymakers and other communicators. Under the coordination of the World Federation of Science Journalists, the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) and the South African Department of Science & Technology enabled 14 journalists from around the world to participate in this year’s edition of the forum, through the Media for Social Justice Fellowships.

In the margin of the WSF, the African chapter of INGSA organised a workshop to discuss Science Advice in Regional and International Context and an African Platform for Science Advisors (APSA). This workshop allowed for increased coordination with relevant partners in the African region, including Future Africa, in the context of furthering the pan-African outreach of the INGSA-Africa chapter, and to continue the discussion on the upcoming establishment of a training hub in Rwanda.

Moreover, the forum allowed great discussions on the impact of culture and language in science advice, which are an important focus for the European chapter of INGSA as well as our new International Francophone Network for Scientific Advice. The FRQ and the High-Commission of Canada to South Africa organised a French networking reception, where a representative of the secretariat of the Francophone division presented the aim of the new network and the opportunity for Francophile members of the scientific community.

2023 promises to be another important year for INGSA and I look forward in continuing our good work in strengthening the Latin American and the Caribbean, Asian and African chapters; in working with all of you towards the development of a European and a North American chapter of INGSA; and in the consolidation of the International Francophone Network for Scientific Advice.


I wish you all the best for 2023,


Rémi Quirion

President of INGSA


INGSA Wrap-up from the World Science Forum

GLOBAL: 2022 was the first time that Africa had hosted the World Science Forum and it was an incredible opportunity to bring together some of the key players of the INGSA ecosystem in Africa.

In particular we would like to thank Future Africa at the University of Pretoria and SciCom - Making Sense of Science for being generous in-country partners.

The INGSA Delegation to the WSF included:

INGSA also supported the Media for Social Justice Fellowships that were awarded by the World Federation of Science Journalists, FRQ, and South African Department of Science & Technology

The INGSA delegation also contributed to the International Science Council Global Knowledge Forum and was involved in the Cape Town Declaration on Science for Social Justice that was delivered at the Forum.

For more information and access to the sessions, visit the World Science Forum website.

You can see photos and videos from INGSA at the WSF here.

ANNOUNCED: Secretariat of International Francophone Network on Science Advice

GLOBAL: On November 3rd, during a forum that brought together more than 300 participants at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal and online, the president of INGSA, Rémi Quirion, announced the secretariat that will lead the first linguistic division of INGSA, the International Francophone Network on Science Advice.

The secretariat will be led by Mathieu Ouimet, professor at Laval University, in Québec, Canada, and co-led in Europe by Damien Cesselin, Administrative Secretary General of the Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF), and in Africa by Mahaman Tidjani Alou, professor at Abdou Moumouni University in Niamey, Niger.

The secretariat of the International Francophone Network on Science Advice will be hosted at Laval University.

For more information about the Francophone division:


MONDIAL: Le 3 novembre dernier, lors d'un forum qui a réuni plus de 300 participants au Palais des Congrès de Montréal et en ligne, le président de l'INGSA, Rémi Quirion, a annoncé le secrétariat qui animera la première division linguistique de l'INGSA, le Réseau francophone international en conseil scientifique.

Le secrétariat sera dirigé par Mathieu Ouimet, professeur à l'Université Laval, à Québec, au Canada, et codirigé en Europe par Damien Cesselin, secrétaire général administratif de l'Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF), et en Afrique par Mahaman Tidjani Alou, professeur à l'Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, au Niger. 

Le secrétariat du Réseau francophone international en conseil scientifique sera hébergé à l’Université Laval.

Pour plus d'informations sur le pôle francophone :

Announcing: INGSA-Asia Grassroots Science Advice Promotion 2022 Winners

ASIA: One of INGSA's longest-running programs is INGSA-Asia's annual Grassroots Science Advice Promotion Awards. Each year the winners receive a seed grant to organise science advice workshops and programmes in their home countries.

To provide guidance, each winner will also receive mentorship from an INGSA-Asia Steering Committee Member to ensure the success of their proposed programme.

From 17 applications this year, INGSA-Asia have selected 7 outstanding proposals from all across Asia. Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to their workshops!


2022 Grassroots Science Advice Workshop Winners:


Dr. Chan Siok Yee & Dr. Kew Si Na (Malaysia) – Policy of Women Leadership in Science, Technology and Innovation


Dr. Ghanashyam Khanal, Dr. Mohan Bahadur Chand & Dr Nirina Khadgi (Nepal) – Climate Change Science and Policy Making in Nepal


Prof. Glenn Fernandez (Philippines) – Science Advice on Disaster Waste Management: Enabling Local Governments to Practice and Promote Building Back Better


Dr. Hul Seingheng (Cambodia) – Promoting Science Advice for Marine Plastic Pollution Reduction Initiative in Cambodia


Dr. Mohd Firdaus Abdul Wahab & Ts. Dr. Aslina Baharum (Malaysia) – Young Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM) Science Diplomacy Training Program 2022


Dr. Pragya Chaube & Dr Mohua Chakraborty Choudhury (India) – Grassroots Science Advice in Public Health Policy for Childhood Disorder Management


Ms.Yasmin Raza (Pakistan) – The Role of Public Sector Organization in Urban Groundwater Challenges and Policy Reform, A Case Study of Asian Giant City, Karachi.

International Public Policy Observatory -

Round 2 Funding Announced

GLOBAL: The International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) was originally founded to scope countries' responses to the challenges posed by Covid-19, and to provide policy-ready synthesis of these for UK policymakers. INGSA was a founding member of IPPO.

It is exciting to announce that IPPO has received a second round of funding, this time to focus on international policy responses on four themes: Mobilising Knowledge on Net Zero; Levelling Up Cities plans; COVID-19 Recovery; and Tackling Inequality.

INGSA is proud to continue to be IPPO's international partner on the project. Find out more about IPPO at:

New INGSA Horizons Interview:

John Lavis & Soledad Quiroz -

Global Evidence Commission

GLOBAL: Prof John Lavis is the Co-Lead of the Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges

Dr Soledad Quiroz-Valenzuela is an INGSA Vice-President and one of the Commissioners that was charged with investigating opportunities to arm the world's policy-makers with the world's best evidence. 

The Global Commission on Evidence has now released its report in seven languages encompassing 24 recommendations for how the world can improve its culture and practice of evidence-informed policymaking.

Convened by Laura dos Santos Boeira from Instituto Veredas, the INGSA Horizon Series sits down with Prof Lavis and Dr Quiroz to discuss the future of science advice for the great societal challenges we face.

Find all the INGSA Horizon Interviews at:

Introducing Virginie Auger -

New INGSA Staff in Québec

NORTH AMERICA: INGSA would like to welcome Ms Virginie Auger to the INGSA Team!

Ms Auger is employed by the Fonds de recherche du Québec as the Principal Adviser for INGSA and International Affairs in the office of Professor Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist of Québec and President of INGSA.

While she will be located in Montréal, Ms Auger will be supporting Professor Quirion in his work with INGSA internationally. Alongside the President she will be focusing on the implementation of the Strategic Plan and the development of new Special Interest Divisions and Regional Chapters.


Welcome to the team Virginie!


CALL FOR PAPERS: Development Policy and Global Change Science for Sustainable Americas

The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) have announced a call for papers and competition on their newest special issue. The issue is supported by outreach partners, the Belmont Forum and SRI Congress.

The topic: Development Policy and Global Change Science to Achieve the Vision of Sustainable Americas

Submission deadline: January 22, 2023

Call for submissions:

Training sessions to help prospective authors prepare their submissions to the issue. RSVP:

New Resource: Global Map of Parliamentary Science Advice Mechanisms

GLOBAL: A project supported by the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology has released an interactive map of mechanisms that parliaments across the world use to access and harness research evidence.

Mechanisms were identified as part of research undertaken by Dr Vicky Ward (University of St Andrews) and Dr Mark Monaghan (Loughborough University). The map highlights the breadth of activity being carried out across the world, much of which has been previously overlooked.

It is intended as a resource for building global connections and learning opportunities between those involved in helping parliaments access research evidence. 

Access the map at:

CLOSING SOON - Call for Contributions:

Sustainability Research & Innovation 2023

Panama City, PANAMA: The Sustainability Research & Innovation (SRI) Congress is the world’s largest transdisciplinary gathering for the global sustainability community.

The third edition of the SRI Congress, SRI2023, will take place in Panama City on the 26-30 June 2023 and will be hosted by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Panama (SENACYT) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), bringing this global event to the Latin American and Caribbean Region.

A Call for Contributions is open until the 21st Dec 2022 to help shape the Congress.

For-Credit Winter Grad Course -

Milan & Rome - January 2023

GLOBAL: The University of Maryland School of Public Policy will offer an in-person, for-credit (and a parallel, non-credit) international course on evaluation-based, performance monitoring and management. Classroom instruction will be provided by university instructors and guest faculty —complemented by consultations with officials of the Italian Government, international organisations, and NGOs.

Classes will be held at the Milan campus of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore as well as other locations in Milan and Rome.

Find the syllabus and more information on applying here.

Applications Close: January 2nd 2023

News From Across The Network:


Role of Science in Policymaking in Colombia

SOUTH AMERICA: In collaboration with the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, INGSA Regional Chapter of Latin America and the Caribbean (INGSA-LAC) have published a report on the role that evidence plays in policy development in Colombia.

This is the first survey and report of its kind of science advice in the country and provides valuable insight into the developing evidence-to-policy landscape in Colombia.

The report is available in Spanish via the INGSA website

INGSA-Asia Launch 'Spotlight' Video Series - Watch the first episode: Prof Hyun-Chin

ASIA: INGSA-Asia has launched its new Spotlight Interview Series, in-depth discussions with the Asian Chapter's Steering Committee Members.

Tackling a myriad of topics from the sustainability of electric vehicles, to switching career paths as a scientist/researcher, the series will serve as a platform to showcase the diverse expertise and lived experiences of these regional science advice experts.

The first interview focused on the role of sociologists between government and civil society in South Korea, especially in the post-pandemic era. 

Watch the first interview with Prof. Hyun-Chin here:

INGSA-Africa at AMASA 2022 - Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, KENYA: INGSA-Africa, represented by Dr M. Oladoyin Odubanjo (Chair, SC); Mr Enock Musungwini (Member, SC) and Dr Richard L.K. Glover (RPO), participated in the 17th Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA 2022) in Nairobi, Kenya from 28-30 November 2022.

The theme of the meeting was: Strengthening Capacity for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in Africa. The meeting was attended by representatives of over 20 national academies of science under the umbrella of the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), government officials and development partners.

INGSA-Africa held a capacity enhancing workshop for participants on the 3rd day, as one of the deliverables of its COVID-19 Africa Rapid Grant Fund project on Enhancing the Capacity of Academies of Science in Africa to provide rapid science advice in emergencies. Prof Abhi Veerakumarasivam, the Chair of INGSA-Asia, was the Keynote Speaker.

NASEM-INGSA Zoonosis Project Hosts Physical Meeting in Singapore

SOUTHEAST ASIA: The 4th INGSA-NASEM workshop began on November 11 at the Raffles City Convention Centre in Singapore. This was the second in-person workshop to bring together the same group of experts, leaders, stakeholders, and policymakers from diverse backgrounds to develop resilient strategies for surveillance, response, preparedness, and prevention of zoonotic spillover of high consequence pathogens across the Southeast Asian region.

The three-day workshop continued on the theme “Countering Zoonotic Spillover of High Consequence Pathogens: Adapting the Guidance to Local, National, and Region Specific Needs”. The project's goal is to produce a guidebook of best practices that can be regionally adapted to produce diverse content to inform policies that can minimise the risk of zoonotic transmission of disease, all long the live-animal value chain in Southeast Asia.

This workshop featured a series of keynote presentations by Dr. Sarah Olson, Dr. Bruce Wilcox, Professor Carlos das Neves, Professor Jeffrey Mariner, and Professor Malik Peiris, as well as Professor Lei Zhou and Professor Hongxuan He from China.

This workshop also focused on the discussion of modules within the guidebook draft and this group of experts have agreed to work with the module co-leaders to see the module through to completion.

Find out more and read the previous workshop reports here

If you or your organisation work in research, regulation, or policy development in the live animal supply chain in Southeast Asia or China, please contact the Project Coordinator, Hazel Yean, at

JRC begins 2-year capacity building project with 7 EU Member States

EUROPE: The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) kicks-off a two-year project for science-for-policy capacity building in seven EU Member States

In early November 2022, the JRC – together with the Commission’s DG REFORM and the OECD – kicked off its multi-country project on “Building capacity for evidence-informed policymaking in public administration and governance in a post-pandemic Europe”.

With seven participating Member States and a budget of €1.67 million, the project is one of the largest projects funded under the Commission’s Technical Support Instrument. Over the next two years, the JRC, and the OECD will conduct diagnostic assessments of, and develop policy recommendations for, national science-for-policy ecosystems in Greece, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Belgium, while at the same time training scientists and policymakers to acquire science-policy competences and fostering cross-country professional networks.

For further information, please contact the JRC’s science-for-policy team:

INGSA-Africa SASDP Mentoring Program - Closing Workshop, Dec 2022

AFRICA: On the 15th December, INGSA-Africa hosted a virtual closing workshop for the 3-month INGSA-Africa Science Advice Skills Development Program (SASDP).

The workshop was opened by Kristiann Allen, Executive Secretary of INGSA, and saw presentations and discussions of the policy documents developed by the ten mentees over the period.

Feedback from mentors on the program was also discussed. Prof Paul Arthur Berkman, Fulbright Arctic Chair 2021-2022 and President, Science Diplomacy Center™ and one of the SASDP mentors, made a special presentation on The Pyramid of Informed Decision-making.

FMSTAN attends GESDA Summit in Geneva

GLOBAL: In October, the Foreign Ministries S&T Advice Network (FMSTAN) met in the margins of the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) Summit. The meeting provided an extremely valuable opportunity for network building and collaboration.

FMSTAN is a high-level group of diplomats working at the coalface of science diplomacy. Hosted by the Geneva Graduate Institute, with the support of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, the FMSTAN meeting was a huge success.

More information about FMSTAN can be found here:

INGSA Associates named 2022 ISC Fellows

GLOBAL: On the 5th December, in the margins of the 2022 World Science Forum, the International Science Council appointed 60 new Fellows who will help the ISC in its purpose to bring science to society and help address urgent societal problems.

INGSA would like to congratulate all the new fellows on their appointment, in particular, the high number of INGSA members, associates, and long term partners that have been been appointed as Fellows – this is a wonderful reflection on the role that INGSA plays as part of the ISC family.

These include:

  • Binyam Sisay Mendisu, INGSA Vice-President (Capacity)
  • Oladoyin Odubanjo, Chair of INGSA-Africa and member of INGSA Board
  • Tateo Arimoto, member of the INGSA Board
  • James Wilsdon, former Vice-Chair of INGSA
  • Yousuf Al-Bulushi, former head of FMSTAN
  • And many more!

Find out more here

New Reports and Resources:

Two New INGSA Case Studies

INGSA-GESDA Quantum World-Build Case Study

In collaboration with GESDA, the INGSA team developed a new format case study. For the first time we are releasing one of our 'gamified' case studies - The Quantum World Build.

This is more a detailed, longer format, immersive case study for exploring some of the issues facing us as quantum technology is developed, and how we can build global cooperation before the risks become too great.

Check out the new case study here

Cybersecurity in a Quantum World - New French Case Study

In collaboration with the Institut Quantique in Quebec, INGSA co-produced a new French case study on the risks and possible policy response of managing important data security in a world of revolutionary technology.

This case study formed the basis for a workshop at the University of Sherbrooke in 2022.

Read & download the case study here


EU SAM & EGE on Crisis Management

In response to a request from the College of Commissioners, experts from the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism and the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies jointly handed three publications on Crisis Management to Commissioners Gabriel and Lenarčič last month. Publications include scientific Evidence Review Report, policy recommendations and ethics statement. 


It shows that strategic crisis management needs to be aligned with broader policy objectives and that crises are becoming the norm, not the exception. You can find the publications here, and also catch up with the webinar on this topic.

New Resources

JRC Knowledge for Policy Blog

The EU Joint Research Centre is maintaining a blog of articles and discussions relating to global Knowledge for Policy.

As a constantly evolving resource they invite everyone to consider contributing.

Visit the blog now

Global Evidence Commission Final Report

Available in seven languages, the report of the Global Commission on Evidence to Address Societal Challenges is the product of extensive research and consultation.

It ultimately provides 24 recommendations for the future of knowledge-for-policy.

Read it here

New Special Issue Journal:

Open Science & the SDGS

GLOBAL: The Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG), the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) are pleased to release Volume 21, Issue 02.

The topic: Open Science Polices as an Accelerator for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Read the full issue here

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The International Network for Governmental Science Advice is a New Zealand-based

International Organisation hosted at the University of Auckland.

INGSA operates under the auspices of the International Science Council (ISC). 

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