Vol. 20, No. 24

June 24, 2024


June 25 - 1 p.m. ET

DC BLOX Webinar

Digital Infrastructure Investment’s Impact on Future Economies

June 26 - 1 p.m. ET

INCOMPAS Webinar Series featuring TNS

TDM Unpredictability and the Transition to IP:

Why Having the Right Partner for Network Transformation Is Key

October 20-22

The 2024 INCOMPAS Show



Caller ID Reputation Announces Matthew Mizenko as Vice President of Business Development and Industry Relations

Hilliary Communications to Deliver Fiber Internet Service to More Elgin Residents

TNS Enterprise Product Suite Wins 2024 Visionary Spotlight Award for Best Emerging Technology Breakthrough

Twilio Recognized as a Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape for Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS)

Twilio Report Reveals Ethical Use of AI Will Be a Competitive Business Advantage



July 8

Reply Comments Due on State of Competition in the Communications Marketplace

July 15

Comments Due on FY 2024 Regulatory Fees

July 17

Comments Due on Border Gateway NPRM

July 29

Reply Comments Due on FY 2024 Regulatory Fees

August 1 Reply Comments Due on Border Gateway NPRM

Webinar - Wednesday, June 26

TDM Unpredictability and the Transition to IP led by TNS

Within the last two years, TDM-based networks have become very unpredictable. Costs are continuing to skyrocket, the technology is not keeping pace with regulatory demands and finding the right staff to manage legacy platforms is proving quite difficult.

Telecom providers increasingly recognize the benefits of transitioning to IP and the need to reduce operating costs, enhance network reliability, and support current and emerging end-user applications. Despite the clear and growing business case, many Tier-2 and Tier-3 telcos still do not understand the solutions needed to make the evolution successful.

Join us this Wednesday, June 26 at 1 p.m ET for the webinar TDM Unpredictability and the Transition to IP: Why Having the Right Partner for Network Transformation Is Key.

TNS's Joe Dechant, vice president of Product Transformation, and Barry Metz, senior product manager, will discuss how the right partner can:

  • Enable carriers to transform their networks to IP, decommission expensive TDM circuits
  • Allow for more STIR/SHAKEN interconnects
  • Result in a predictable pricing model
  • Enhance their subscriber experience

Advance registration is required. If you're unable to attend the live event, please register so you can receive the link to watch the webinar on-demand at a later date. 


INCOMPAS Supports Senate Commerce Spectrum Bill

Ahead of last week's planned Senate Commerce Committee Markup on S. 4207, the Spectrum and National Security Act of 2024, INCOMPAS submitted a letter of support for the legislation.

"It has been well over a year since the FCC's spectrum auction authority has lapsed. This comes at a time when the global race for innovation has only sped up with no slowdown in sight, putting us at grave risk for falling behind China," said INCOMPAS CEO Chip Pickering.

"This package not only addresses our need for auction authority but it also fulfills the critical resources needed to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program and Rip and Replace programs," he continued. "Both of these are essential to bridging the digital divide and ensuring our nation's networks are secure. It is critical that the Committee move forward with the Chairwoman's bill and work expeditiously to make this law."

However, for the fourth time, the Committee canceled a markup of the bill as a result of disagreements over both spectrum and non-spectrum provisions. These provisions include $7 billion in additional funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), reserving funding for other priorities, $3.08 billion for “rip and replace” efforts and $2 billion for next-generation 911 (NG-911) grants. The FCC’s general spectrum auction authority would be extended by five after enactment of the legislation, as well.

FCC Announces Availability of Unused RHC Program Funds

The FCC's Wireline Competition Bureau issued a public notice announcing the availability of unused funds to satisfy demand for Rural Health Care Program funding for fiscal year 2024. The bureau directed USAC to carry forward up to $161.57 million in unused funds from prior funding years to the extent necessary to satisfy funding year 2024 RHC Program demand.

6th Circuit Sets Deadlines for Open Internet Case

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued a letter that sets deadlines for responses to motions to stay and transfer in the proceeding challenging the order reclassifying broadband as Title II.

Relatedly, the Ohio Telecom Association (OTA), et al. filed an opposition with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on June 18, 2024, to the FCC and Benton Institute for Broadband and Society’s motions to transfer the case challenging the order reclassifying broadband as Title II to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. The OTA, et al. argued the sixth circuit is just as competent to review FCC regulations and interpret statutes as the D.C. circuit. They also said the court should defer ruling on the transfer motions until it decides their pending stay motion, which is time sensitive.

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