An FCC notice was published in the Federal Register on July 25, 2024, announcing that the Office of Management and Budget approved, for a period of three years, the information collection associated with the revised pole attachment rules made in the December 2023 fourth report and order. Section 1.1411(c)(4) (timeline for access to utility poles) and Section 1.1415 (dispute resolution procedures, including the process for the new Rapid Broadband Assessment Team (RBAT)) were effective as of July 25, 2024.
Relatedly, the FCC's Enforcement Bureau and Wireline Competition Bureau issued a public notice announcing that parties may begin requesting the assistance of the RBAT to provide coordinated review and assessment of pole attachment disputes that impede or delay broadband deployment. They said the launch of the RBAT, including a new landing page and a dedicated form allowing parties to submit information about their dispute, will further the FCC’s ongoing efforts to promote timely, nationwide broadband deployment.