Last week, the FCC adopted an NPRM that will protect consumers from the potential abuses of artificial intelligence (AI) in robocalls and robotexts and will offer a path for positive uses of AI in the voice networks that will help consumers.
“There are many potential benefits of AI use in the voice networks, and the FCC’s work in this docket to support and enable such use is important. Promoting policies that will encourage the use of AI tools that can help filter out sophisticated spam and phishing schemes will help consumers avoid costly scams," said Christopher L. Shipley, Executive Director of Public Policy for INCOMPAS.
"IP interconnection will be critical to any effort to conduct real-time monitoring for fraudulent or AI-generated robocalls and robotexts," he added. "To that end, the FCC should undertake a review of the importance of IP interconnection to the success of the FCC’s efforts, and the agency must remain mindful of the significant investments required of voice providers in their delivery of AI-enabled applications.”