NEW! Hands-On NEMA TS1 and 2 Troubleshooting Classes at the Forum & Expo 

Hands-on training is now available at the 2024 Forum & Expo! NEMA Traffic Signal 1 and 2 Troubleshooting classes are designed for individuals who are beginning or furthering their career in the traffic industry.  


NEMA TS 1 will introduce attendees to basic and intermediate troubleshooting procedures with a slant towards safety and reducing legal liability. This two-day seminar offers 16 CECs. NEMA TS2 will cover advanced traffic signal functions and troubleshooting of TS2 type 2 controller assemblies, cabinet components and terminal facilities. The seminar offers 8 CECs. Credits count toward certification renewal. 


Space is limited! Registration closes July 5. For more information, or to register, visit the event portal.


Upcoming Deadlines

  • Forum & Expo sponsorships: June 3 or 10, depending on the sponsorship 
  • Volunteering at Forum & Expo: June 24 
  • Hotel room block: Deadlines for hotel room blocks are between June 20-27 
  • Regular Forum & Expo registration pricing: June 27 
  • Circle R Ranch: July 2 
  • Conference certification courses: July 5 
  • NEMA Traffic Signal Seminars: July 5 

Announcing Half-Day Expo Hall Comp Registrations 

Do you have customers in the Irving area? Are you a public agency employee that would like to check out the exhibit hall at the Forum & Expo? IMSA is offering half-day complimentary expo hall registrations. Area attendees are invited to join us on Tuesday or Wednesday from Noon - 3 pm at the Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas. Attendees must register onsite to receive a name badge for entry into the hall. Registration will begin at 11:45 am and does not include lunch or access to any other part of the Forum & Expo.

For more information, email

Two IMSA Members Receive TAC Technical

Achievement Award 

Two IMSA public agency company members are recipients of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) Technical Achievement Awards. 

City of Victoria, British Columbia won the Active Transportation Achievement Award for their All Ages and Abilities Active Transportation Network. City of Edmonton, Alberta received the Road Safety Achievement Award for its Speed Limit Reduction Initiative and the Climate Action Achievement Award for its collaboration with Al-Terra Engineering and EPCOR One Water Planning on the Strathcona and Garneau Neighbourhood Renewal. 

Award-winning projects will be featured in a free webinar. For additional information or to register, click on the links below. 

Earn CECs With Our Upcoming Webinars! 

We are excited to announce several members-only webinars! 

  • June 18, 2024 at 2 pm. Sponsored by Rhythm Engineering 
  • July 2024 sponsored by Genetec 
  • Sept 2024 sponsored by Rhythm Engineering 
  • October 2024 sponsored by Genetec 

Stay tuned for more details! 

Interested in sponsoring a webinar? Contact Heather McMillen at 

IMSA Journal Available Online

A reminder that IMSA members can enjoy the electronic edition of the Journal with clickable links.

Want access? Sign in

Prefer not to receive the print version?

Opt-out in your profile online or by contacting

Call for Content - IMSA Journal

Have an idea for a Journal article? Each issue of the Journal contains articles written by our knowledgeable members. By including these articles, members can gain industry knowledge and stay current on new products and techniques.

If you are interested in submitting content for consideration, contact Maureen Taylor.

We are currently seeking submissions for the upcoming issue:

July/August 2024

Deadline - June 26

Now is the perfect time to submit.

IMSA Opportunities

Subject Matter Expert Looking for Exposure?

To establish your company as a subject matter expert or to promote specific products to the public safety industry, please contact Heather McMillen or call 352-900-3011.

Job Opportunities

IMSA's job board helps find your next position by displaying industry-specific job openings. Or, if you are an employer with an open position, let our broad scope of industry professionals know you are hiring.

IMSA Webinar Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a sponsor of an IMSA monthly webinar and have the opportunity to connect with our members, certificate holders and industry collaborators. We are looking for sessions that would meet our CEC requirements. Contact Heather McMillen to learn more.

IMSA Volunteer Opportunities

Help drive IMSA’s mission and vision. As an IMSA volunteer, you will help shape the organization’s future, create personal and professional connections, and become a leader in the public safety field.

Each IMSA Section has its leadership team as well as the International Committees and Representatives. Please email Laura Jeffcoat Sosa and indicate if you are interested in serving on the Section or International level. Click here for more information about how to get involved.

Product Spotlight


WiAAPS is a networked APS that is MUTCD, PROWAG, ADA, BABA, and TAC-compliant, engineered to optimize customization and cost-effectiveness. WiAAPS offers versatile power options utilizing existing field wires or if conduit access is limited, solar power or SPI. Additionally, card rack and shelf mount controllers are available to further ensure compatibility with users' existing cabinet setups. Moreover, with the capacity to power up to 16 WiAPBs across 8 pedestrian phases, WiAAPS excels at managing large intersections. Overall, WiAAPS seamlessly integrates with existing intersections, rather than requiring modifications to accommodate it, making it the ideal choice for ALL intersections. Learn more.

IMSA Journal

Members, Share Your Story With Us

In each issue of the IMSA Journal you have the unique opportunity to be featured. Our IMSA Member Spotlight offers you the opportunity to highlight your team or submit a story about a time you went above and beyond. Help IMSA celebrate our members by sharing your story today. Contact Maureen Taylor to submit your story today.

2024 Advertising Opportunities

IMSA is working with The Wyman Company as our communications partner. They will be supporting our efforts with the IMSA Journal magazine, webinar sponsorships, Thought Leadership e-blasts, IMSA website advertising as well as the IMSA E-newsletter. Contact Heather McMillen for more info. Learn more from our media kit.

Certification Program Schedule


Contact: Jerry Dankbar

Phone: (602) 620-9108

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II, In-Person, 6/24/2024, Sacramento, CA

IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, In-Person, 6/24/2024, Sacramento, CA

IMSA Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Tech, In-Person, 6/24/2024, Sacramento, CA

IMSA/FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technician, In-Person, 6/25/2024, Sacramento, CA

IMSA Roadway Lighting Technician I, In-Person, 6/26/2024, Sacramento, CA

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I, In-Person, 6/26/2024, Sacramento, CA

IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, In-Person, 6/26/2024, Sacramento, CA


Contact: Stacey Mueller

Phone: 305-304-5331

IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 5/29/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I, In-Person, 6/3/2024, Daytona Beach, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, In-Person, 6/3/2024, Daytona Beach, FL

IMSA/FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technician, In-Person, 6/3/2024, Daytona Beach, FL

IMSA Roadway Lighting Technician I, In-Person, 6/5/2024, Daytona Beach, FL

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II, In-Person, 6/5/2024, Daytona Beach, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, In-Person, 6/5/2024, Daytona Beach, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Inspector, In-Person, 6/5/2024, Daytona Beach, FL

IMSA Roadway Lighting Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 6/7/2024, Port Orange, FL IMSA/FOA Certified Fiber Optic Specialist/Design, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 6/14/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Roadway Lighting Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 6/17/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 6/17/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 6/19/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 7/8/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 7/10/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Inspector, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 7/29/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 7/29/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 7/31/2024, Port Orange, FL IMSA Roadway Lighting Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 8/19/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Sr. Field Technician III, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 8/24/2024, Port Orange, FL IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 9/9/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Inspector, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 9/11/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Sr. Field Technician III, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 9/13/2024, Port Orange, FL IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 9/16/2024, Port Orange, FL IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 10/22/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 10/24/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Inspector, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 11/12/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 11/12/2024, Port Orange, FL

IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, Hybrid (In-Person/Online,) 11/14/2024, Port Orange, FL


Contact: Guy Pettinga

Phone: 609-705-5842

IMSA Roadway Lighting Technician I, In-Person, 8/26/2024, Harrisburg, PA

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I, In-Person, 8/26/2024, Harrisburg, PA

IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, In-Person, 8/26/2024, Harrisburg, NJ

IMSA Traffic Signal Sr. Field Technician III, In-Person, 8/27/2024, Harrisburg, PA

IMSA/FOA Certified Fiber Optic Technician, In-Person, 8/28/2024, Harrisburg, PA

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II, In-Person, 8/29/2024, Harrisburg, PA

IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, In-Person, 8/29/2024, Harrisburg, PA

IMSA Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Tech, In-Person, 8/29/2024, Harrisburg, PA


Contact: Jon Hoffman

Phone: (256) 337-4613

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II, In-Person, 6/10/2024, Pigeon Forge, TN

IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, In-Person, 6/10/2024, Pigeon Forge, TN

IMSA Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Tech, In-Person, 6/10/2024, Pigeon Forge, TN

IMSA Roadway Lighting Technician I, In-Person, 6/12/2024, Pigeon Forge, TN

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician I, In-Person, 6/12/2024, Pigeon Forge, TN

IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, In-Person, 6/12/2024, Pigeon Forge, TN


Contact: Mike Durgin

Phone: (469) 540-6362

IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, In-Person, 6/12/2024, Pigeon Forge, TN

IMSA Roadway Lighting Technician I, In-Person, 5/27/2024, Galveston, TX

IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I, In-Person, 5/27/2024, Galveston, TX

IMSA Signs & Pavement Markings Technician II, In-Person, 5/29/2024, Galveston, TX

IMSA Traffic Signal Field Technician II, In-Person, 5/29/2024, Galveston, TX

IMSA Traffic Signal Inspector, In-Person, 5/29/2024, Galveston, TX

IMSA Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Tech, In-Person, 5/29/2024, Galveston, TX

Industry Headlines

Be sure to visit to see the latest news from IMSA’s Sustaining Member companies at the end of the home page. Members may submit news to

Smart Cities

NJIT Computer Science and Engineering Experts Talk About 'Smart' Cities (NJIT)

AVs May Not Have Taken Over, but Their Tech Is Here to Stay (Government Technology)


Fiber Optics

Space manufacturing milestone as 8km of fibre optics made on ISS (Cosmos)

How Will Fiber Optic Networks Keep up With AI? (Built In)


Fire Alarm

Progress is being made to inoperable fire alarm systems, says DOE (KHON)

Palmyra Area School District responds to parents' concerns about high school fire alarm system (WGAL)

Roadway and Area Lighting

Environmental issues prompt opposition to new street lighting on Hutchinson Island (

Leicester City Cyber Attack Leads to Street Light Burning All Day & Night (Cyber Security News)


Signs & Signals

Kalamazoo's traffic engineer encourages people to report damage to signs, signals and poles (WMUK)

New traffic signs on King Street West appear to be causing major confusion among drivers downtown (Now Toronto)


Traffic and Transportation

Bike Safety (Virginia DOT)

Mayor O'Connell unveils his transportation plan (Axios Nashville)

By the numbers: Ohio transportation officials dive into eclipse-related traffic data (


Work Zone

DOH worker thrown on a “60-foot flight path” after work zone crash in March (WDTV)

MoDOT Releases Video Due to Climbing Work Zone Crash Numbers (Ozark Radio News)


Want Access to Member-Exclusive Content

and Discounts on Certifications and Renewals?


Membership questions - email or call (321) 349-3569

IMSA E-newsletter advertising opportunities - email or call (352) 900-3011

Follow the latest updates from IMSA. Connect with us on social media.

Stay well, friends.

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International Municipal Signal Association