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IMRF's 2015 Annual Report available
IMRF's 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is now available online for review and download.
The report includes year-end financial statements and statistical data, as well as a summary of benefits and commentaries from professional consultants engaged by IMRF, including: an Auditor's Opinion, an Actuary's Report, and an Investment Consultant's Report.
Also available online is the
2015 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR). Written for stakeholders without a financial background, the PAFR offers a summary of the information presented in the 2015 CAFR.
Employers may visit the Annual Financial Reports page on IMRF's website to review
and download the 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the 2015 Popular Annual Financial Report, and the
2015 Addendum to the CAFR, which provides a detailed list of the investments held at fiscal year end.
GASB 68 documentation issued
IMRF has released two documents for employers that report using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
The 2015 Schedule of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position by Employer is now available for review and download in Employer Access. The report provides IMRF employers with detailed information (as of December 31, 2015) necessary to comply with the financial reporting requirements of GASB 68.
IMRF's 2015 Census Data Attestation Report is also available for review and download in Employer Access. In the report, our independent auditors have verified that the census data sent to IMRF's actuary for the year ended December 31, 2015, is complete and accurate.
To retrieve the Schedule of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position and the Census Data Attestation Report, log in to IMRF Employer Access then select "Display Audit Documents" from the "Documents" area of the home page.
Please share this GASB 68 information with your employer's finance officer and/or business manager.
Newly released 75th Anniversary booklet
As part of its year-long 75th Anniversary celebration, IMRF has released a commemorative 75th Anniversary Booklet. The booklet is available for employers, members, retirees, and affiliates to download from IMRF's website, www.imrf.org
The anniversary booklet highlights IMRF's milestone achievements and includes a compilation of archival photographs and documents reflective of IMRF's growth. The center of the booklet features a "Memorable Milestones" keepsake timeline that may be displayed as a poster.
Established in 1941 with five employers and a $5,000 investment in a U.S. Treasury Bond, IMRF has grown to now serve 2,972 units of government with an investment portfolio valued at $34.5 billion. Visit
IMRF's 75th Anniversary page online at
www.imrf.org for additional celebration
news, articles and profiles, and event updates.
Becoming an Authorized Agent
When the governing body of an IMRF employer appoints a qualified representative as its Authorized Agent, he or she becomes responsible for assorted duties. To designate an IMRF Authorized Agent:
- The governing body makes an appointment by adopting a resolution.
- The clerk or secretary of the governing body certifies the appointment using IMRF Form 2.20 ("Notice of Appointment of Authorized Agent") and returns the completed form to IMRF.
- The new Authorized Agent registers for a new User ID using IMRF Employer Access.
IMRF's Authorized Agent Certification Workshops provide Authorized Agents an overview of their responsibilities. Authorized Agents are encouraged to attend a workshop. Topics covered include enrollment, wage reporting, service credit, benefits, and employer rates; dates and registration are available on IMRF's website.
To familiarize an Authorized Agent with his or her duties and assist in implementation, procedure checklists are available for download and review on IMRF's website. The checklists were designed to better explain key duties of an Authorized Agent by providing step-by-step direction through key administrative processes, including: enrollment, disability, retirement, death, and termination. To download copies of IMRF's checklists, visit the Procedure Checklists for IMRF Employers page on IMRF's website.
Additionally, IMRF has introduced a series of Employer Support Videos on its website, www.imrf.org. These tutorials offer step-by-step demonstration and explanation of key duties of Authorized Agents. The videos may be viewed often for reference.
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