September 2020
Cow Hollow Association Newsletter
The Cow Hollow Association is dedicated to protecting and preserving the quality of life and residential character in the Cow Hollow neighborhood.
We welcome your involvement and support.
2020 Census
Deadline September 30
If you have not been contacted already by the Census or gone online to fill out the short form, please go to

Neighborhoods with low response rates will NOT get the representation they’re due when it comes to drawing the political boundaries for the city’s 11 supervisor districts as well as state and national congressional lines. Good article on why this is so important for San Francisco.

  • Your response helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.

  • Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government.

Please share this reminder with your network.

RescueSF Speakers
Jennifer Loving on September 30
What can San Francisco learn from Santa Clara County's successful efforts to address homelessness?

Join us to hear from Jennifer Loving of Destination: Home and how they managed Santa Clara County's first five-year plan that achieved significant results in reducing homelessness. Here are some highlights:

  • Ended the homelessness of more than 14,000 people 
  • Doubled the county’s number of supportive housing units
  • Doubled the county’s temporary housing and emergency shelter capacity
  • Launched a prevention system that now serves 1,000 households annually

There have been many plans to address homelessness, but they’re not always successful. What happened in Santa Clara County? Why have the results been so positive?

Please consider making a donation now and begin your CHA membership of $45 annually to help make a difference. If you would like to donate more than $45 annual dues, it would be greatly appreciated and go towards covering the growing expenses to take a stand on local and statewide issues that threaten the character of our community. Tax deductible donations can also include family foundations and special IRA provisions. See our website for more information. There is also the option for automatic renewals. Thank you!
Cow Hollow Association Board
David Bancroft, Anne Bertrand, Lori Brooke, Don Emmons,
Cynthia Gissler, Barbara Heffernan, Karen Laughlin, 
Claire Mills, Victoria Osman, Veronica Taisch, Geoff Wood